Supported Autoscaler types


    If you want to use Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), you must install it after you install Knative Serving.

    For how to install HPA, see Install optional Serving extensions.

    • Part of the Knative Serving core and enabled by default once Knative Serving is installed.
    • Supports scale to zero functionality.
    • Does not support CPU-based autoscaling.
    • Not part of the Knative Serving core, and you must install Knative Serving first.
    • Supports CPU-based autoscaling.
    • Global settings key: pod-autoscaler-class
    • Per-revision annotation key:
    • Possible values: or ""
    • Default: ""


    Per RevisionGlobal (ConfigMap)Global (Operator)

    Configuring for autoscaling in Knative can be set using either global or per-revision settings.

    1. If per-revision settings are specified, these will override the global settings when both types of settings exist.

    Global settings

    Example of the default autoscaling ConfigMap

    Per-revision settings

    Per-revision settings for autoscaling are configured by adding annotations to a revision.

