Basic API Concepts
Depending on the type of data sources, i.e. bounded or unbounded sources, you would eitherwrite a batch program or a streaming program where the DataSet API is used for batchand the DataStream API is used for streaming. This guide will introduce the basic conceptsthat are common to both APIs but please see ourStreaming Guide and for concrete information aboutwriting programs with each API.
NOTE: When showing actual examples of how the APIs can be used we will use and the DataStream
API. The concepts are exactly the samein the DataSet
API, just replace by ExecutionEnvironment
and DataSet
Flink has the special classes DataSet
and DataStream
to represent data in a program. Youcan think of them as immutable collections of data that can contain duplicates. In the caseof DataSet
the data is finite while for a DataStream
the number of elements can be unbounded.
These collections differ from regular Java collections in some key ways. First, theyare immutable, meaning that once they are created you cannot add or remove elements. You can alsonot simply inspect the elements inside.
A collection is initially created by adding a source in a Flink program and new collections arederived from these by transforming them using API methods such as map
, filter
and so on.
Anatomy of a Flink Program
Flink programs look like regular programs that transform collections of data.Each program consists of the same basic parts:
- Obtain an
execution environment
, - Load/create the initial data,
- Specify transformations on this data,
- Specify where to put the results of your computations,
- Trigger the program execution
We will now give an overview of each of those steps, please refer to the respective sections formore details. Note that all core classes of the Java DataSet API are found in the packagewhile the classes of the Java DataStream API can be found inorg.apache.flink.streaming.api.
The StreamExecutionEnvironment
is the basis for all Flink programs. You canobtain one using these static methods on StreamExecutionEnvironment
Typically, you only need to use getExecutionEnvironment()
, since thiswill do the right thing depending on the context: if you are executingyour program inside an IDE or as a regular Java program it will createa local environment that will execute your program on your local machine. Ifyou created a JAR file from your program, and invoke it through the, the Flink cluster managerwill execute your main method and getExecutionEnvironment()
will returnan execution environment for executing your program on a cluster.
For specifying data sources the execution environment has several methodsto read from files using various methods: you can just read them line by line,as CSV files, or using completely custom data input formats. To just reada text file as a sequence of lines, you can use:
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
DataStream<String> text = env.readTextFile("file:///path/to/file");
This will give you a DataStream on which you can then apply transformations to create newderived DataStreams.
You apply transformations by calling methods on DataStream with a transformationfunctions. For example, a map transformation looks like this:
DataStream<String> input = ...;
DataStream<Integer> parsed = MapFunction<String, Integer>() {
public Integer map(String value) {
return Integer.parseInt(value);
This will create a new DataStream by converting every String in the originalcollection to an Integer.
Once you have a DataStream containing your final results, you can write it to an outside systemby creating a sink. These are just some example methods for creating a sink:
writeAsText(String path)
We will now give an overview of each of those steps, please refer to the respective sections formore details. Note that all core classes of the Scala DataSet API are found in the packageorg.apache.flink.api.scalawhile the classes of the Scala DataStream API can be found in.
The StreamExecutionEnvironment
is the basis for all Flink programs. You canobtain one using these static methods on StreamExecutionEnvironment
createRemoteEnvironment(host: String, port: Int, jarFiles: String*)
Typically, you only need to use getExecutionEnvironment()
, since thiswill do the right thing depending on the context: if you are executingyour program inside an IDE or as a regular Java program it will createa local environment that will execute your program on your local machine. Ifyou created a JAR file from your program, and invoke it through thecommand line, the Flink cluster managerwill execute your main method and getExecutionEnvironment()
will returnan execution environment for executing your program on a cluster.
For specifying data sources the execution environment has several methodsto read from files using various methods: you can just read them line by line,as CSV files, or using completely custom data input formats. To just reada text file as a sequence of lines, you can use:
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
val text: DataStream[String] = env.readTextFile("file:///path/to/file")
This will give you a DataStream on which you can then apply transformations to create newderived DataStreams.
You apply transformations by calling methods on DataSet with a transformationfunctions. For example, a map transformation looks like this:
val input: DataSet[String] = ...
val mapped = { x => x.toInt }
This will create a new DataStream by converting every String in the originalcollection to an Integer.
Once you have a DataStream containing your final results, you can write it to an outside systemby creating a sink. These are just some example methods for creating a sink:
writeAsText(path: String)
Once you specified the complete program you need to trigger the program execution by callingexecute()
on the StreamExecutionEnvironment
.Depending on the type of the ExecutionEnvironment
the execution will be triggered on your localmachine or submit your program for execution on a cluster.
The execute()
method is returning a JobExecutionResult
, this contains executiontimes and accumulator results.
Please see the for information about streaming data sources and sink and for more in-depths informationabout the supported transformations on DataStream.
Check out the Batch Guidefor information about batch data sources and sink and for more in-depths informationabout the supported transformations on DataSet.
All Flink programs are executed lazily: When the program’s main method is executed, the data loadingand transformations do not happen directly. Rather, each operation is created and added to theprogram’s plan. The operations are actually executed when the execution is explicitly triggered byan execute()
call on the execution environment. Whether the program is executed locallyor on a cluster depends on the type of execution environment
The lazy evaluation lets you construct sophisticated programs that Flink executes as oneholistically planned unit.
Specifying Keys
Some transformations (join, coGroup, keyBy, groupBy) require that a key be defined ona collection of elements. Other transformations (Reduce, GroupReduce,Aggregate, Windows) allow data being grouped on a key before they areapplied.
A DataSet is grouped as
DataSet<...> input = // [...]
DataSet<...> reduced = input
.groupBy(/*define key here*/)
.reduceGroup(/*do something*/);
while a key can be specified on a DataStream using
DataStream<...> input = // [...]
DataStream<...> windowed = input
.keyBy(/*define key here*/)
.window(/*window specification*/);
The data model of Flink is not based on key-value pairs. Therefore,you do not need to physically pack the data set types into keys andvalues. Keys are “virtual”: they are defined as functions over theactual data to guide the grouping operator.
NOTE: In the following discussion we will use the DataStream
API and keyBy
.For the DataSet API you just have to replace by DataSet
and groupBy
The simplest case is grouping Tuples on one or morefields of the Tuple:
DataStream<Tuple3<Integer,String,Long>> input = // [...]
KeyedStream<Tuple3<Integer,String,Long>,Tuple> keyed = input.keyBy(0)
val input: DataStream[(Int, String, Long)] = // [...]
val keyed = input.keyBy(0)
The tuples are grouped on the first field (the one ofInteger type).
DataStream<Tuple3<Integer,String,Long>> input = // [...]
KeyedStream<Tuple3<Integer,String,Long>,Tuple> keyed = input.keyBy(0,1)
val input: DataSet[(Int, String, Long)] = // [...]
val grouped = input.groupBy(0,1)
Here, we group the tuples on a composite key consisting of the first and thesecond field.
A note on nested Tuples: If you have a DataStream with a nested tuple, such as:
Specifying keyBy(0)
will cause the system to use the full Tuple2
as a key (with the Integer and Float being the key). If you want to “navigate” into the nested Tuple2
, you have to use field expression keys which are explained below.
You can use String-based field expressions to reference nested fields and define keys for grouping, sorting, joining, or coGrouping.
In the example below, we have a WC
POJO with two fields “word” and “count”. To group by the field word
, we just pass its name to the keyBy()
// some ordinary POJO (Plain old Java Object)
public class WC {
public String word;
public int count;
DataStream<WC> words = // [...]
DataStream<WC> wordCounts = words.keyBy("word").window(/*window specification*/);
Field Expression Syntax:
Select Tuple fields by their field name or 0-offset field index. For example
refer to the first and sixth field of a Java Tuple type, respectively.You can select nested fields in POJOs and Tuples. For example
refers to the “zip” field of a POJO which is stored in the “user” field of a POJO type. Arbitrary nesting and mixing of POJOs and Tuples is supported such as""
.You can select the full type using the
wildcard expressions. This does also work for types which are not Tuple or POJO types.
Field Expression Example:
public static class WC {
public ComplexNestedClass complex; //nested POJO
private int count;
// getter / setter for private field (count)
public int getCount() {
return count;
public void setCount(int c) {
this.count = c;
public Integer someNumber;
public float someFloat;
public Tuple3<Long, Long, String> word;
public IntWritable hadoopCitizen;
These are valid field expressions for the example code above:
: The count field in theWC
: Recursively selects all fields of the field complex of POJO typeComplexNestedClass
: Selects the last field of the nestedTuple3
: Selects the HadoopIntWritable
In the example below, we have a WC
POJO with two fields “word” and “count”. To group by the field word
, we just pass its name to the keyBy()
// some ordinary POJO (Plain old Java Object)
class WC(var word: String, var count: Int) {
def this() { this("", 0L) }
val words: DataStream[WC] = // [...]
val wordCounts = words.keyBy("word").window(/*window specification*/)
// or, as a case class, which is less typing
case class WC(word: String, count: Int)
val words: DataStream[WC] = // [...]
val wordCounts = words.keyBy("word").window(/*window specification*/)
Field Expression Syntax:
Select POJO fields by their field name. For example
refers to the “user” field of a POJO type.Select Tuple fields by their 1-offset field name or 0-offset field index. For example
refer to the first and sixth field of a Scala Tuple type, respectively.You can select nested fields in POJOs and Tuples. For example
refers to the “zip” field of a POJO which is stored in the “user” field of a POJO type. Arbitrary nesting and mixing of POJOs and Tuples is supported such as""
.You can select the full type using the
wildcard expressions. This does also work for types which are not Tuple or POJO types.
Field Expression Example:
class WC(var complex: ComplexNestedClass, var count: Int) {
def this() { this(null, 0) }
class ComplexNestedClass(
var someNumber: Int,
someFloat: Float,
word: (Long, Long, String),
hadoopCitizen: IntWritable) {
def this() { this(0, 0, (0, 0, ""), new IntWritable(0)) }
These are valid field expressions for the example code above:
: The count field in theWC
: Recursively selects all fields of the field complex of POJO typeComplexNestedClass
: Selects the last field of the nestedTuple3
: Selects the HadoopIntWritable
An additional way to define keys are “key selector” functions. A key selector functiontakes a single element as input and returns the key for the element. The key can be of any type and be derived from deterministic computations.
The following example shows a key selector function that simply returns the field of an object:
// some ordinary POJO
public class WC {public String word; public int count;}
DataStream<WC> words = // [...]
KeyedStream<WC> keyed = words
.keyBy(new KeySelector<WC, String>() {
public String getKey(WC wc) { return wc.word; }
// some ordinary case class
case class WC(word: String, count: Int)
val words: DataStream[WC] = // [...]
val keyed = words.keyBy( _.word )
Most transformations require user-defined functions. This section lists different waysof how they can be specified
Implementing an interface
The most basic way is to implement one of the provided interfaces:
class MyMapFunction implements MapFunction<String, Integer> {
public Integer map(String value) { return Integer.parseInt(value); }
}; MyMapFunction());
Anonymous classes
You can pass a function as an anonymous class: MapFunction<String, Integer> () {
public Integer map(String value) { return Integer.parseInt(value); }
Java 8 Lambdas
Flink also supports Java 8 Lambdas in the Java API.
data.filter(s -> s.startsWith("http://"));
data.reduce((i1,i2) -> i1 + i2);
Rich functions
All transformations that require a user-defined function caninstead take as argument a rich function. For example, instead of
class MyMapFunction implements MapFunction<String, Integer> {
public Integer map(String value) { return Integer.parseInt(value); }
you can write
class MyMapFunction extends RichMapFunction<String, Integer> {
public Integer map(String value) { return Integer.parseInt(value); }
and pass the function as usual to a map
Rich functions can also be defined as an anonymous class:
Lambda Functions
As already seen in previous examples all operations accept lambda functions for describingthe operation:
val data: DataSet[String] = // [...]
data.filter { _.startsWith("http://") }
val data: DataSet[Int] = // [...]
data.reduce { (i1,i2) => i1 + i2 }
// or
data.reduce { _ + _ }
Rich functions
All transformations that take as argument a lambda function caninstead take as argument a rich function. For example, instead of { x => x.toInt }
you can write
class MyMapFunction extends RichMapFunction[String, Int] {
def map(in: String):Int = { in.toInt }
and pass the function to a map
transformation: MyMapFunction())
Rich functions can also be defined as an anonymous class: (new RichMapFunction[String, Int] {
def map(in: String):Int = { in.toInt }
Supported Data Types
Flink places some restrictions on the type of elements that can be in a DataSet or DataStream.The reason for this is that the system analyzes the types to determineefficient execution strategies.
There are six different categories of data types:
- Java Tuples and Scala Case Classes
- Java POJOs
- Primitive Types
- Regular Classes
- Values
- Hadoop Writables
- Special Types
Tuples and Case Classes
Tuples are composite types that contain a fixed number of fields with various types.The Java API provides classes from Tuple1
up to Tuple25
. Every field of a tuplecan be an arbitrary Flink type including further tuples, resulting in nested tuples. Fields of atuple can be accessed directly using the field’s name as tuple.f4
, or using the generic getter methodtuple.getField(int position)
. The field indices start at 0. Note that this stands in contrastto the Scala tuples, but it is more consistent with Java’s general indexing.
new Tuple2<String, Integer>("hello", 1),
new Tuple2<String, Integer>("world", 2)); MapFunction<Tuple2<String, Integer>, Integer>() {
public Integer map(Tuple2<String, Integer> value) throws Exception {
return value.f1;
wordCounts.keyBy(0); // also valid .keyBy("f0")
Scala case classes (and Scala tuples which are a special case of case classes), are composite types that contain a fixed number of fields with various types. Tuple fields are addressed by their 1-offset names such as _1
for the first field. Case class fields are accessed by their name.
case class WordCount(word: String, count: Int)
val input = env.fromElements(
WordCount("hello", 1),
WordCount("world", 2)) // Case Class Data Set
input.keyBy("word")// key by field expression "word"
val input2 = env.fromElements(("hello", 1), ("world", 2)) // Tuple2 Data Set
input2.keyBy(0, 1) // key by field positions 0 and 1
Java and Scala classes are treated by Flink as a special POJO data type if they fulfill the following requirements:
The class must be public.
It must have a public constructor without arguments (default constructor).
All fields are either public or must be accessible through getter and setter functions. For a field called
the getter and setter methods must be namedgetFoo()
.The type of a field must be supported by a registered serializer.
POJOs are generally represented with a PojoTypeInfo
and serialized with the PojoSerializer
(using as configurable fallback).The exception is when the POJOs are actually Avro types (Avro Specific Records) or produced as “Avro Reflect Types”.In that case the POJO’s are represented by an AvroTypeInfo
and serialized with the AvroSerializer
.You can also register your own custom serializer if required; see Serialization for further information.
Flink analyzes the structure of POJO types, i.e., it learns about the fields of a POJO. As a result POJO types are easier to use than general types. Moreover, Flink can process POJOs more efficiently than general types.
The following example shows a simple POJO with two public fields.
public class WordWithCount {
public String word;
public int count;
public WordWithCount() {}
public WordWithCount(String word, int count) {
this.word = word;
this.count = count;
DataStream<WordWithCount> wordCounts = env.fromElements(
new WordWithCount("hello", 1),
new WordWithCount("world", 2));
wordCounts.keyBy("word"); // key by field expression "word"
class WordWithCount(var word: String, var count: Int) {
def this() {
this(null, -1)
val input = env.fromElements(
new WordWithCount("hello", 1),
new WordWithCount("world", 2)) // Case Class Data Set
input.keyBy("word")// key by field expression "word"
Primitive Types
Flink supports all Java and Scala primitive types such as Integer
, String
, and Double
General Class Types
Flink supports most Java and Scala classes (API and custom).Restrictions apply to classes containing fields that cannot be serialized, like file pointers, I/O streams, or other nativeresources. Classes that follow the Java Beans conventions work well in general.
All classes that are not identified as POJO types (see POJO requirements above) are handled by Flink as general class types.Flink treats these data types as black boxes and is not able to access their content (i.e., for efficient sorting). General types are de/serialized using the serialization framework .
Value types describe their serialization and deserialization manually. Instead of going through ageneral purpose serialization framework, they provide custom code for those operations by means ofimplementing the org.apache.flinktypes.Value
interface with the methods read
and write
. Usinga Value type is reasonable when general purpose serialization would be highly inefficient. Anexample would be a data type that implements a sparse vector of elements as an array. Knowing thatthe array is mostly zero, one can use a special encoding for the non-zero elements, while thegeneral purpose serialization would simply write all array elements.
The org.apache.flinktypes.CopyableValue
interface supports manual internal cloning logic in asimilar way.
Flink comes with pre-defined Value types that correspond to basic data types. (ByteValue
, IntValue
, LongValue
, FloatValue
, DoubleValue
, StringValue
, CharValue
). These Value types act as mutable variants of the basic data types: Their value canbe altered, allowing programmers to reuse objects and take pressure off the garbage collector.
Hadoop Writables
You can use types that implement the org.apache.hadoop.Writable
interface. The serialization logicdefined in the write()
and readFields()
methods will be used for serialization.
Special Types
You can use special types, including Scala’s Either
, Option
, and Try
.The Java API has its own custom implementation of Either
.Similarly to Scala’s Either
, it represents a value of two possible types, Left or Right.Either
can be useful for error handling or operators that need to output two different types of records.
Type Erasure & Type Inference
Note: This Section is only relevant for Java.
The Java compiler throws away much of the generic type information after compilation. This isknown as type erasure in Java. It means that at runtime, an instance of an object does not knowits generic type any more. For example, instances of DataStream<String>
and DataStream<Long>
look thesame to the JVM.
Flink requires type information at the time when it prepares the program for execution (when themain method of the program is called). The Flink Java API tries to reconstruct the type informationthat was thrown away in various ways and store it explicitly in the data sets and operators. You canretrieve the type via DataStream.getType()
. The method returns an instance of TypeInformation
,which is Flink’s internal way of representing types.
The type inference has its limits and needs the “cooperation” of the programmer in some cases.Examples for that are methods that create data sets from collections, such asExecutionEnvironment.fromCollection(),
where you can pass an argument that describes the type. Butalso generic functions like MapFunction<I, O>
may need extra type information.
TheResultTypeQueryableinterface can be implemented by input formats and functions to tell the APIexplicitly about their return type. The input types that the functions are invoked with canusually be inferred by the result types of the previous operations.
Accumulators are simple constructs with an add operation and a final accumulated result,which is available after the job ended.
The most straightforward accumulator is a counter: You can increment it using theAccumulator.add(V value)
method. At the end of the job Flink will sum up (merge) all partialresults and send the result to the client. Accumulators are useful during debugging or if youquickly want to find out more about your data.
Flink currently has the following built-in accumulators. Each of them implements theinterface.
- IntCounter,and DoubleCounter:See below for an example using a counter.
- :A histogram implementation for a discrete number of bins. Internally it is just a map from Integerto Integer. You can use this to compute distributions of values, e.g. the distribution ofwords-per-line for a word count program.
How to use accumulators:
First you have to create an accumulator object (here a counter) in the user-defined transformationfunction where you want to use it.
private IntCounter numLines = new IntCounter();
Second you have to register the accumulator object, typically in the open()
method of therich function. Here you also define the name.
getRuntimeContext().addAccumulator("num-lines", this.numLines);
You can now use the accumulator anywhere in the operator function, including in the open()
The overall result will be stored in the JobExecutionResult
object which isreturned from the execute()
method of the execution environment(currently this only works if the execution waits for thecompletion of the job).
All accumulators share a single namespace per job. Thus you can use the same accumulator indifferent operator functions of your job. Flink will internally merge all accumulators with the samename.
A note on accumulators and iterations: Currently the result of accumulators is only available afterthe overall job has ended. We plan to also make the result of the previous iteration available in thenext iteration. You can useAggregatorsto compute per-iteration statistics and base the termination of iterations on such statistics.
Custom accumulators:
To implement your own accumulator you simply have to write your implementation of the Accumulatorinterface. Feel free to create a pull request if you think your custom accumulator should be shippedwith Flink.
You have the choice to implement eitheror SimpleAccumulator.
is most flexible: It defines a type V
for the value to add, and aresult type R
for the final result. E.g. for a histogram, V
is a number and R
is a histogram. SimpleAccumulator
is for the cases where both types are the same, e.g. for counters.