导入 Flink 到 IDE 中

    NOTE: Whenever something is not working in your IDE, try with the Mavencommand line first () as it might be your IDEthat has a bug or is not properly set up.

    To get started, please first checkout the Flink sources from one of our,e.g.

    A brief guide on how to set up IntelliJ IDEA IDE for development of the Flink core.As Eclipse is known to have issues with mixed Scala and Java projects, more and more contributors are migrating to IntelliJ IDEA.

    The following documentation describes the steps to setup IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1.3(https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/)with the Flink sources.

    The IntelliJ installation setup offers to install the Scala plugin.If it is not installed, follow these instructions before importing Flinkto enable support for Scala projects and files:

    • Go to IntelliJ plugins settings (IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences -> Plugins) andclick on “Install Jetbrains plugin…”.
    • Select and install the “Scala” plugin.
    • Restart IntelliJ
    • Start IntelliJ IDEA and choose “New -> Project from Existing Sources”
    • Select the root folder of the cloned Flink repository
    • Choose “Import project from external model” and select “Maven”
    • Leave the default options and successively click “Next” until you reach the SDK section.
    • If there is no SDK listed, create one using the “+” sign on the top left.Select “JDK”, choose the JDK home directory and click “OK”.Select the most suiting JDK version. NOTE: A good rule of thumb is to select the JDK version matching the active Maven profile.
    • Continue by clicking “Next” until finishing the import.
    • Right-click on the imported Flink project -> Maven -> Generate Sources and Update Folders.Note that this will install Flink libraries in your local Maven repository,located by default at “/home/$USER/.m2/repository/org/apache/flink/”.Alternatively, mvn clean package -DskipTests also creates the files necessaryfor the IDE to work but without installing the libraries.
    • Build the Project (Build -> Make Project)
    • Install the “Checkstyle-IDEA” plugin from the IntelliJ plugin repository.
    • Configure the plugin by going to Settings -> Other Settings -> Checkstyle.
    • Set the “Scan Scope” to “Only Java sources (including tests)”.
    • Select 8.12 in the “Checkstyle Version” dropdown and click apply. This step is important,don’t skip it!
    • Select “Flink” as the only active configuration file, and click “Apply” and“OK”.
    • Checkstyle will now give warnings in the editor for any Checkstyleviolations.Once the plugin is installed you can directly import "tools/maven/checkstyle.xml" by going to Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java -> Gear Icon next to Scheme dropbox. This will for example automatically adjust the imports layout.

    You can scan an entire module by opening the Checkstyle tools window andclicking the “Check Module” button. The scan should report no errors.

    Note Some modules are not fully covered by checkstyle,which include flink-core, , and flink-runtime.Nevertheless please make sure that code you add/modify in these modules still conforms to the checkstyle rules.

    Checkstyle For Scala

    Enable scalastyle in Intellij by selecting Settings -> Editor -> Inspections, then searching for “Scala style inspections”. Also Place "tools/maven/scalastyle_config.xml" in the or "<root>/project" directory.

    NOTE: From our experience, this setup does not work with Flinkdue to deficiencies of the old Eclipse version bundled with Scala IDE 3.0.3 ordue to version incompatibilities with the bundled Scala version in Scala IDE 4.4.1.

    We recommend to use IntelliJ instead (see )

    The following documentation describes the steps to setup PyCharm 2019.1.3(https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/)with the Flink Python sources.

    If you are in the PyCharm startup interface:

    • Start PyCharm and choose “Open”
    • Select the flink-python folder in the cloned Flink repositoryIf you have used PyCharm to open a project:

    • Select “File -> Open”

    • Select the flink-python folder in the cloned Flink repository

    Checkstyle For Python

    The Python code checkstyle of Apache Flink should create a flake8 external tool in the project.

    • Install the flake8 in the used Python interpreter(refer to (https://pypi.org/project/flake8/).
    • Select “PyCharm -> Preferences… -> Tools -> External Tools -> + (The bottom left corner of the page on the right)”, next configure the external tool.
    • Set the “Name” to “flake8”.
    • Set the “Description” to “code style check”.
    • Set the “Program” to the Python interpreter path(e.g. /usr/bin/python).
    • Set the “Arguments” to “-m flake8 —config=tox.ini”
    • Set the “Working directory” to “$ProjectFileDir$”Now, you can check your Python code style by the operation: “Right click in any file or folder in the flink-python project -> External Tools -> flake8”