If no character set is explicitly specified when defining a character object, the default character set specified when the database was created will be used. If the database does not have a default character set defined, the field gets the character set NONE.

    3.5.1. Unicode

    Most current development tools support Unicode, implemented in Firebird with the character sets UTF8 and UNICODE_FSS. UTF8 comes with collations for many languages. UNICODE_FSS is more limited and is used mainly by Firebird internally for storing metadata. Keep in mind that one UTF8 character occupies up to 4 bytes, thus limiting the size of CHAR fields to 8,191 characters (32,767/4).

    The UTF8 character set implemented in Firebird supports the latest version of the Unicode standard, thus recommending its use for international databases.

    3.5.2. Client Character Set

    While working with strings, it is essential to keep the character set of the client connection in mind. If there is a mismatch between the character sets of the stored data and that of the client connection, the output results for string columns are automatically re-encoded, both when data are sent from the client to the server and when they are sent back from the server to the client. For example, if the database was created in the WIN1251 encoding but KOI8R or UTF8 is specified in the client’s connection parameters, the mismatch will be transparent.

    3.5.3. Special Character Sets

    Character set NONE

    The character set NONE is a special character set in Firebird. It can be characterized such that each byte is a part of a string, but the string is stored in the system without any clues about what constitutes any character: character encoding, collation, case, etc. are simply unknown. It is the responsibility of the client application to deal with the data and provide the means to interpret the string of bytes in some way that is meaningful to the application and the human user.

    Character set OCTETS

    Data in encoding are treated as bytes that may not actually be interpreted as characters. OCTETS provides a way to store binary data, which could be the results of some Firebird functions. The database engine has no concept of what it is meant to do with a string of bits in OCTETS, other than just store it and retrieve it. Again, the client side is responsible for validating the data, presenting them in formats that are meaningful to the application and its users and handling any exceptions arising from decoding and encoding them.

    3.5.4. Collation Sequence

    Each character set has a default collation sequence (COLLATE) that specifies the collation order. Usually, it provides nothing more than ordering based on the numeric code of the characters and a basic mapping of upper- and lower-case characters. If some behaviour is needed for strings that is not provided by the default collation sequence and a suitable alternative collation is supported for that character set, a COLLATE `collation` clause can be specified in the column definition.

    A COLLATE `collation` clause can be applied in other contexts besides the column definition. For greater-than/less-than comparison operations, it can be added in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. If output needs to be sorted in a special alphabetic sequence, or case-insensitively, and the appropriate collation exists, then a COLLATE clause can be included with the ORDER BY clause when rows are being sorted on a character field and with the GROUP BY clause in case of grouping operations.

    Case-Insensitive Searching

    For a case-insensitive search, the UPPER function could be used to convert both the search argument and the searched strings to upper-case before attempting a match:

    For strings in a character set that has a case-insensitive collation available, you can simply apply the collation, to compare the search argument and the searched strings directly. For example, using the WIN1251 character set, the collation PXW_CYRL is case-insensitive for this purpose:


    See also


    UTF8 Collation Sequences

    The following table shows the possible collation sequences for the UTF8 character set.


    An example of collation for the UTF8 character set without taking into account the case or accentuation of characters (similar to COLLATE PXW_CYRL).

    3.5.5. Character Indexes

    In Firebird earlier than version 2.0, a problem can occur with building an index for character columns that use a non-standard collation sequence: the length of an indexed field is limited to 252 bytes with no COLLATE specified or 84 bytes if COLLATE is specified. Multi-byte character sets and compound indexes limit the size even further.

    Starting from Firebird 2.0, the maximum length for an index equals one quarter of the page size, i.e. from 1,024 — for page size 4,096 — to 4,096 bytes — for page size 16,384. The maximum length of an indexed string is 9 bytes less than that quarter-page limit.

    Calculating Maximum Length of an Indexed String Field

    The following formula calculates the maximum length of an indexed string (in characters):

    1. max_char_length = FLOOR((page_size / 4 - 9) / N)

    where N is the number of bytes per character in the character set.

    The table below shows the maximum length of an indexed string (in characters), according to page size and character set, calculated using this formula.

    See also

    , Collation sequence, , WHERE, , ORDER BY

    3.5.6. Character Types in Detail


    CHAR is a fixed-length data type. If the entered number of characters is less than the declared length, trailing spaces will be added to the field. Generally, the pad character does not have to be a space: it depends on the character set. For example, the pad character for the OCTETS character set is zero.

    The full name of this data type is CHARACTER, but there is no requirement to use full names and people rarely do so.

    Fixed-length character data can be used to store codes whose length is standard and has a definite “width” in directories. An example of such a code is an EAN13 barcode — 13 characters, all filled.

    Declaration Syntax


    VARCHAR is the basic string type for storing texts of variable length, up to a maximum of 32,765 bytes. The stored structure is equal to the actual size of the data plus 2 bytes where the length of the data is recorded.

    All characters that are sent from the client application to the database are considered meaningful, including the leading and trailing spaces. However, trailing spaces are not stored: they will be restored upon retrieval, up to the recorded length of the string.

    The full name of this type is CHARACTER VARYING. Another variant of the name is written as CHAR VARYING.



    NCHAR is a fixed-length character data type with the ISO8859_1 character set predefined. In all other respects it is the same as CHAR.
