Fractions of Seconds
If fractions of seconds are stored in date and time data types, Firebird stores them to ten-thousandths of a second. If a lower granularity is preferred, the fraction can be specified explicitly as thousandths, hundredths or tenths of a second in Dialect 3 databases of ODS 11 or higher.
3.4.1. DATE
data type in Dialect 3 stores only date without time. The available range for storing data is from January 01, 1 to December 31, 9999.
Dialect 1 has no “date-only” type.
3.4.2. TIME
data type is available in Dialect 3 only. It stores the time of day within the range from 00:00:00.0000 to 23:59:59.9999.
If you need to get the time-part from DATE
in Dialect 1, you can use the EXTRACT
Examples Using EXTRACT()
See also the in the chapter entitled Built-in Functions.
data type is available in Dialect 3 and Dialect 1. It comprises two 32-bit words — a date-part and a time-part — to form a structure that stores both date and time-of-day. It is the same as the DATE
type in Dialect 1.
function works equally well with TIMESTAMP
as with the Dialect 1 DATE
3.4.4. Operations Using Date and Time Values
The method of storing date and time values makes it possible to involve them as operands in some arithmetic operations. In storage, a date value or date-part of a timestamp is represented as the number of days elapsed since “date zero” — November 17, 1898 — whilst a time value or the time-part of a timestamp is represented as the number of seconds (with fractions of seconds taken into account) since midnight.
See also