Struct matcher
StructMatcher provides a general interface to check if a given value is matched in google.protobuf.Struct. It uses path to retrieve the value from the struct and then check if it’s matched to the specified value.
For example, for the following Struct:
The following MetadataMatcher is matched as the path [a, b, c] will retrieve a string value “pro” from the Metadata which is matched to the specified prefix match.
An example use of StructMatcher is to match metadata in envoy.v*.core.Node.
(repeated type.matcher.v3.StructMatcher.PathSegment, REQUIRED) The path to retrieve the Value from the Struct.
(, REQUIRED) The StructMatcher is matched if the value retrieved by path is matched to this value.
Specifies the segment in a path to retrieve value from Struct.
(string, REQUIRED) If specified, use the key to retrieve the value in a Struct.