Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Network Filter

    When a request is denied, the CONNECTION_TERMINATION_DETAILS will include the name of the matched policy that caused the deny in the format of (policy_name will be none if no policy matched), this helps to distinguish the deny from Envoy RBAC filter and the upstream backend.

    The RBAC network filter outputs statistics in the <stat_prefix>.rbac. namespace.

    For the shadow rule statistics and shadow_denied, the can be used to add an extra prefix to output the statistics in the <stat_prefix>.rbac.<shadow_rules_stat_prefix>. namespace.

    Dynamic Metadata

    The RBAC filter emits the following dynamic metadata.

    For the shadow rules dynamic metadata and shadow_engine_result, the can be used to add an extra prefix to the corresponding dynamic metadata key.






    The effective shadow policy ID matching the action (if any).



    The engine result for the shadow rules (i.e. either or denied).


    Whether the request should be logged. This metadata is shared and set under the key namespace ‘envoy.common’ (See Shared Dynamic Metadata).