Common HTTP Inputs

    Match input indicates that matching should be done on a specific request header. The resulting input string will be all headers for the given key joined by a comma, e.g. if the request contains two ‘foo’ headers with value ‘bar’ and ‘baz’, the input string will be ‘bar,baz’.


    (string) The request header to match on.


    (string) The request trailer to match on.

    Match input indicating that matching should be done on a specific response header. The resulting input string will be all headers for the given key joined by a comma, e.g. if the response contains two ‘foo’ headers with value ‘bar’ and ‘baz’, the input string will be ‘bar,baz’.

    (string) The response header to match on.

    Match input indicates that matching should be done on a specific response trailer. The resulting input string will be all headers for the given key joined by a comma, e.g. if the request contains two ‘foo’ headers with value ‘bar’ and ‘baz’, the input string will be ‘bar,baz’.
