For more information on the Druid Console, have a look at the

    The Druid Console contains all of the functionality provided by the older consoles described below, which are still available if needed. The legacy consoles may be replaced by the Druid Console in the future.

    Version 2

    The Druid Coordinator exposes a web console for displaying cluster information and rule configuration. After the Coordinator starts, the console can be accessed at:

    There exists a full cluster view (which shows indexing tasks and Historical processes), as well as views for individual Historical processes, datasources and segments themselves. Segment information can be displayed in raw JSON form or as part of a sortable and filterable table.

    Version 1

    The oldest version of Druid’s Coordinator console is still available for backwards compatibility at:

    Overlord console

    The Overlord console can be used to view pending tasks, running tasks, available workers, and recent worker creation and termination. The console can be accessed at: