For this tutorial, we’ll assume you’ve already downloaded Apache Druid as described in the and have it running on your local machine.

In this tutorial, we will use the Wikipedia edits data, with an indexing spec that creates hourly segments. This spec is located at , and it creates a datasource called deletion-tutorial.

Let’s load this initial data:

When the load finishes, open http://localhost:8888/ in a browser.

Permanent deletion of a Druid segment has two steps:

  1. The segment must first be marked as “unused”. This occurs when a user manually disables a segment through the Coordinator API.
  2. After segments have been marked as “unused”, a Kill Task will delete any “unused” segments from Druid’s metadata store as well as deep storage.

Let’s drop some segments now, by using the coordinator API to drop data by interval and segmentIds.

  1. curl -X 'POST' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{ "interval" : "2015-09-12T18:00:00.000Z/2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z" }' http://localhost:8081/druid/coordinator/v1/datasources/deletion-tutorial/markUnused

After that command completes, you should see that the segment for hour 18 and 19 have been disabled:

Note that the hour 18 and 19 segments are still present in deep storage:

Let’s disable some segments by their segmentID. This will again mark the segments as “unused”, but not remove them from deep storage. You can see the full segmentID for a segment from UI as explained below.

In the , click the arrow on the left side of one of the remaining segments to expand the segment entry:


Let’s disable the hour 13 and 14 segments by sending a POST request to the Coordinator with this payload

  1. {
  2. "segmentIds":
  3. [
  4. "deletion-tutorial_2015-09-12T13:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T14:00:00.000Z_2019-05-01T17:38:46.961Z",
  5. "deletion-tutorial_2015-09-12T14:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T15:00:00.000Z_2019-05-01T17:38:46.961Z"
  6. ]
  7. }

This payload json has been provided at quickstart/tutorial/deletion-disable-segments.json. Submit the POST request to Coordinator like this:

After that command completes, you should see that the segments for hour 13 and 14 have been disabled:

Note that the hour 13 and 14 segments are still in deep storage:

  1. $ ls -l1 var/druid/segments/deletion-tutorial/
  2. 2015-09-12T01:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T02:00:00.000Z
  3. 2015-09-12T03:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T04:00:00.000Z
  4. 2015-09-12T04:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T05:00:00.000Z
  5. 2015-09-12T05:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T06:00:00.000Z
  6. 2015-09-12T06:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T07:00:00.000Z
  7. 2015-09-12T07:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T08:00:00.000Z
  8. 2015-09-12T08:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T09:00:00.000Z
  9. 2015-09-12T09:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T10:00:00.000Z
  10. 2015-09-12T10:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T11:00:00.000Z
  11. 2015-09-12T11:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T12:00:00.000Z
  12. 2015-09-12T12:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T13:00:00.000Z
  13. 2015-09-12T13:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T14:00:00.000Z
  14. 2015-09-12T14:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T15:00:00.000Z
  15. 2015-09-12T15:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T16:00:00.000Z
  16. 2015-09-12T17:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T18:00:00.000Z
  17. 2015-09-12T19:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z
  18. 2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T21:00:00.000Z
  19. 2015-09-12T21:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T22:00:00.000Z
  20. 2015-09-12T22:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T23:00:00.000Z
  21. 2015-09-12T23:00:00.000Z_2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z

Now that we have disabled some segments, we can submit a Kill Task, which will delete the disabled segments from metadata and deep storage.

After this task completes, you can see that the disabled segments have now been removed from deep storage:

  1. $ ls -l1 var/druid/segments/deletion-tutorial/
  2. 2015-09-12T12:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T13:00:00.000Z
  3. 2015-09-12T15:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T16:00:00.000Z
  4. 2015-09-12T16:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T17:00:00.000Z
  5. 2015-09-12T17:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T18:00:00.000Z
  6. 2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T21:00:00.000Z
  7. 2015-09-12T21:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T22:00:00.000Z
  8. 2015-09-12T22:00:00.000Z_2015-09-12T23:00:00.000Z