HTTP endpoints

For a list of API endpoints supported by the Broker, see .


Most Druid queries contain an interval object that indicates a span of time for which data is requested. Likewise, Druid are partitioned to contain data for some interval of time and segments are distributed across a cluster. Consider a simple datasource with 7 segments where each segment contains data for a given day of the week. Any query issued to the datasource for more than one day of data will hit more than one segment. These segments will likely be distributed across multiple processes, and hence, the query will likely hit multiple processes.


Broker processes employ a cache with an LRU cache invalidation strategy. The Broker cache stores per-segment results. The cache can be local to each Broker process or shared across multiple processes using an external distributed cache such as . Each time a broker process receives a query, it first maps the query to a set of segments. A subset of these segment results may already exist in the cache and the results can be directly pulled from the cache. For any segment results that do not exist in the cache, the broker process will forward the query to the Historical processes. Once the Historical processes return their results, the Broker will store those results in the cache. Real-time segments are never cached and hence requests for real-time data will always be forwarded to real-time processes. Real-time data is perpetually changing and caching the results would be unreliable.