Manage API tokens

Learn how to create, view, update, or delete an API token.

Operator token

Grants full read and write access to all organizations and all organization resources in InfluxDB OSS 2.x. Some operations, e.g. , require operator permissions. Operator tokens are created in the InfluxDB setup process. To create an operator token manually, you must use an existing operator token.

All-Access token

Grants full read and write access to all resources in an organization.

Read/Write token

Grants read access, write access, or both to specific buckets in an organization.

Create a token

View API tokens in InfluxDB using the InfluxDB UI, the CLI, or the InfluxDB API.

Update a token

Update API tokens’ descriptions in InfluxDB using the InfluxDB UI.

Use tokens

Use an API token in the InfluxDB UI, the CLI, or the InfluxDB API.