influx task retry-failed

    • influx CLI 2.0.5+
    • InfluxDB 2.0.5+

    Authentication credentials

    Required permissions

    Retry failed task runs for a specific task ID
    1. influx task retry-failed \
    2. --id 0Xx0oox00XXoxxoo1
    Retry failed task runs that occurred before a specific time
    Retry failed task runs that occurred after a specific time
    1. influx task retry-failed \
    2. --after 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
    Retry failed task runs that occurred in a specific time range
    Retry failed runs for a limited number of tasks
    1. influx task retry-failed \
    2. --task-limit 5
    Retry a limited number of failed runs for a task
    Print information about runs that will be retried
    1. influx task retry-failed \