Send alert email

    1. Create a check to identify the data to monitor and the status to alert on.
    2. Set up your preferred email service (sign up, retrieve API credentials, and send test email):
    3. Create an alert email task to call your email service and send an alert email.

    In the procedure below, we use the Task page in the InfluxDB UI (user interface) to create a task. Explore other ways to .

    1. In the InfluxDB UI, select Tasks in the navigation menu on the left.


    2. Click Create Task.


    AWS SES Mailgun

    The example below uses the SendGrid API to send an alert email when more than 3 critical statuses occur since the previous task run.

    The example below uses the AWS SES API v2 to send an alert email when more than 3 critical statuses occur since the last task run.

    For details on the request syntax, see .

    The example below uses the Mailjet Send API to send an alert email when more than 3 critical statuses occur since the last task run.

    To view your Mailjet API credentials, sign in to Mailjet and open the API Key Management page.

    The example below uses the Mailgun API to send an alert email when more than 3 critical statuses occur since the last task run.