The method allows to retrieve media according to the given parameters.该方法允许根据给定的参数来检索媒体。

    This method is deprecated and will be removed in the future.此方法已被弃用,将来会被删除。 Please use instead.请改用user.get。

    (object) Parameters defining the desired output.定义所需输出的参数。

    Returns either:返回:

    • an array of objects;一组对象;

    • the count of retrieved objects, if the countOutput parameter has been used.如果已经使用“countOutput”参数,则检索到的对象的计数。

    Retrieving media by user 用户检索媒体



    1. {
    2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    3. {
    4. "mediaid": "8",
    5. "userid": "1",
    6. "mediatypeid": "3",
    7. "sendto": "+3711231233",
    8. "active": "0",
    9. "severity": "48",
    10. "period": "1-5,09:00-18:00"
    11. },
    12. {
    13. "userid": "1",
    14. "mediatypeid": "1",
    15. "sendto": "",
    16. "active": "0",
    17. "severity": "63",
    18. "period": "1-7,00:00-24:00"
    19. }
    20. ],
    21. "id": 1
    22. }

    CUserMedia::get() in frontends/php/include/classes/api/services/CUserMedia.php.