Jobs and instances

    For example, an API server job with four replicated instances:

    • job:
      • instance 1:
      • instance 3:
      • instance 4:
    • : The configured job name that the target belongs to.

    If either of these labels are already present in the scraped data, the behavior depends on the honor_labels configuration option. See the for more information.

    • up{job="<job-name>", instance="<instance-id>"}: if the instance is healthy, i.e. reachable, or 0 if the scrape failed.
    • scrape_duration_seconds{job="<job-name>", instance="<instance-id>"}: duration of the scrape.
    • scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling{job="<job-name>", instance="<instance-id>"}: the number of samples remaining after metric relabeling was applied.
    • : the approximate number of new series in this scrape. New in v2.10

    The up time series is useful for instance availability monitoring.