Exporters and integrations

    Some of these exporters are maintained as part of the official , those are marked as official, others are externally contributed and maintained.

    We encourage the creation of more exporters but cannot vet all of them for best practices. Commonly, those exporters are hosted outside of the Prometheus GitHub organization.

    The can export from a wide variety of JVM-based applications, for example Kafka and .

    Hardware related

    Issue trackers and continuous integration




    Other monitoring systems

    When implementing a new Prometheus exporter, please follow the guidelines on writing exporters Please also consider consulting the . We are happy to give advice on how to make your exporter as useful and consistent as possible.

    The software marked direct is also directly instrumented with a Prometheus client library.

    This section lists libraries and other utilities that help you instrument code in a certain language. They are not Prometheus client libraries themselves but make use of one of the normal Prometheus client libraries under the hood. As for all independently maintained software, we cannot vet all of them for best practices.