Module: INFRA
Pigsty will set up these components for you on infra nodes. You can expose them to the outside world by configuring the parameter.
- : Install Pigsty on current node in one-pass
- infra.yml : Init pigsty infrastructure on infra nodes
- : Remove infrastructure components from infra nodes
- : Nginx metrics & logs
- Grafana Overview: Grafana metrics & logs
- : Prometheus metrics & logs
- Loki Overview: Loki metrics & logs
- : Logs for a single instance
- CMDB Overview: CMDB visualization
- : etcd metrics & logs
API Reference for module:
- CA: self-signed CA
- : Portals and identity
- REPO: local yum repo
- : packages to be installed
- NGINX : nginx web server
- : dnsmasq nameserver
- PROMETHEUS : prometheus, alertmanager, pushgateway & blackbox_exporter
- : Loki, the logging server
Parameter | Section | Type | Level | Comment |
version | string | G | pigsty version string | |
admin_ip | ip | G | admin node ip address | |
region | enum | G | upstream mirror region: default,china,europe | |
proxy_env | dict | G | global proxy env when downloading packages | |
ca_method | enum | G | create,recreate,copy, create by default | |
ca_cn | string | G | ca common name, fixed as pigsty-ca | |
cert_validity | interval | G | cert validity, 20 years by default | |
infra_seq | int | I | infra node identity, REQUIRED | |
infra_portal | dict | G | infra services exposed via portal | |
repo_enabled | bool | G/I | create a yum repo on this infra node? | |
repo_home | path | G | repo home dir, /www by default | |
repo_name | string | G | repo name, pigsty by default | |
repo_endpoint | url | G | access point to this repo by domain or ip:port | |
repo_remove | bool | G/A | remove existing upstream repo | |
repo_upstream | upstream[] | G | where to download upstream packages | |
repo_packages | string[] | G | which packages to be included | |
repo_url_packages | string[] | G | extra packages from url | |
infra_packages | string[] | G | packages to be installed on infra nodes | |
infra_packages_pip | string | G | pip installed packages for infra nodes | |
nginx_enabled | bool | G/I | enable nginx on this infra node? | |
nginx_sslmode | enum | G | nginx ssl mode? disable,enable,enforce | |
nginx_home | path | G | nginx content dir, /www by default | |
nginx_port | port | G | nginx listen port, 80 by default | |
nginx_ssl_port | port | G | nginx ssl listen port, 443 by default | |
nginx_navbar | index[] | G | nginx index page navigation links | |
dns_enabled | bool | G/I | setup dnsmasq on this infra node? | |
dns_port | port | G | dns server listen port, 53 by default | |
dns_records | string[] | G | dynamic dns records resolved by dnsmasq | |
prometheus_enabled | bool | G/I | enable prometheus on this infra node? | |
prometheus_clean | bool | G/A | clean prometheus data during init? | |
prometheus_data | path | G | prometheus data dir, by default | |
prometheus_sd_interval | interval | G | prometheus target refresh interval, 5s by default | |
prometheus_scrape_interval | interval | G | prometheus scrape & eval interval, 10s by default | |
prometheus_scrape_timeout | interval | G | prometheus global scrape timeout, 8s by default | |
prometheus_options | arg | G | prometheus extra server options | |
pushgateway_enabled | bool | G/I | setup pushgateway on this infra node? | |
pushgateway_options | arg | G | pushgateway extra server options | |
blackbox_enabled | bool | G/I | setup blackbox_exporter on this infra node? | |
blackbox_options | arg | G | blackbox_exporter extra server options | |
alertmanager_enabled | bool | G/I | setup alertmanager on this infra node? | |
alertmanager_options | arg | G | alertmanager extra server options | |
exporter_metrics_path | path | G | exporter metric path, /metrics by default | |
exporter_install | enum | G | how to install exporter? none,yum,binary | |
exporter_repo_url | url | G | exporter repo file url if install exporter via yum | |
grafana_enabled | bool | G/I | enable grafana on this infra node? | |
grafana_clean | bool | G/A | clean grafana data during init? | |
grafana_admin_username | username | G | grafana admin username, admin by default | |
grafana_admin_password | password | G | grafana admin password, by default | |
grafana_plugin_cache | path | G | path to grafana plugins cache tarball | |
grafana_plugin_list | string[] | G | grafana plugins to be downloaded with grafana-cli | |
loki_enabled | bool | G/I | enable loki on this infra node? | |
loki_clean | bool | G/A | whether remove existing loki data? | |
loki_data | path | G | loki data dir, /data/loki by default | |
loki_retention | interval | G | loki log retention period, 15d by default |
Last modified 2023-02-27: add v2.0 images and docs (5b09f12)