Module: NODE

    Node is an abstraction of hardware resources, which can be bare metal, virtual machines, or even k8s pods.

    There are different types of nodes in Pigsty:

    • Common nodes, nodes that managed by Pigsty
    • Admin node, the node where pigsty is installed and issue admin commands

    Common Node

    You can manage nodes with Pigsty, and install modules on them. The playbook will adjust the node to desired state.

    Some services will be added to all nodes by default:

    Admin Node

    There is one and only one admin node in a pigsty deployment, which is specified by . It is set to the local primary IP during configure.

    INFRA Node

    A pigsty deployment may have one or more infra nodes, usually 2 ~ 3, in a large production environment.

    The infra group specifies infra nodes in the inventory. And infra nodes will have module installed (DNS, Nginx, Prometheus, Grafana, etc…),

    The admin node is also the default and first infra node, and infra nodes can be used as ‘backup’ admin nodes.

    PGSQL Node

    The node with PGSQL module installed is called a PGSQL node. The node and pg instance is 1:1 deployed. And node instance can be borrowed from corresponding pg instances with .

    Add Node

    Remove Node

    To remove a node from Pigsty, you can use the following:

    Create Admin

    If the current user does not have nopass ssh/sudo access to the node, you can use another admin user to bootstrap the node:

    • node.yml : Init node for pigsty
    • : Remove node from pigsty

    There are four dashboards for module.

    • NODE Overview: Overview of all nodes
    • : Detail information about a node cluster
    • NODE Instance: Detail information about a Node instance
    • : Detail information about haproxy service on the node

    There are 9 sections, 58 parameters about module.

    • NODE_ID : Node identity parameters
    • : Upstream Repo & Install Packages
    • NODE_TUNE : Node Tuning & Features
    • : Admin User & SSH Keys
    • NODE_TIME : Timezone, NTP, Crontab
    • : Expose services with HAProxy
    • NODE_EXPORTER : Node monitoring agent
    • : Promtail logging agent
