kube-apiserver Encryption Configuration (v1)


    EncryptionConfiguration stores the complete configuration for encryption providers.

    Appears in:

    AESConfiguration contains the API configuration for an AES transformer.

    keys [Required]

    keys is a list of keys to be used for creating the AES transformer. Each key has to be 32 bytes long for AES-CBC and 16, 24 or 32 bytes for AES-GCM.

    Appears in:

    IdentityConfiguration is an empty struct to allow identity transformer in provider configuration.


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    KMSConfiguration contains the name, cache size and path to configuration file for a KMS based envelope transformer.


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    Key contains name and secret of the provided key for a transformer.


    name is the name of the key to be used while storing data to disk.

    secret [Required]

    secret is the actual key, encoded in base64.

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    Appears in:

    ResourceConfiguration stores per resource configuration.

    resources [Required]

    resources is a list of kubernetes resources which have to be encrypted.

    providers [Required]

    providers is a list of transformers to be used for reading and writing the resources to disk. eg: aesgcm, aescbc, secretbox, identity.

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