kubeadm token

    creates an initial token with a 24-hour TTL. The following commands allow you to manage such a token and also to create and manage new ones.

    Create bootstrap tokens on the server

    This command will create a bootstrap token for you. You can specify the usages for this token, the “time to live” and an optional human friendly description.

    The [token] is the actual token to write. This should be a securely generated random token of the form “[a-z0-9]{6}.[a-z0-9]{16}”. If no [token] is given, kubeadm will generate a random token instead.


    Options inherited from parent commands

    —kubeconfig string     Default: “/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf”

    The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. If the flag is not set, a set of standard locations can be searched for an existing kubeconfig file.

    —rootfs string

    [EXPERIMENTAL] The path to the ‘real’ host root filesystem.

    Delete bootstrap tokens on the server


    This command will delete a list of bootstrap tokens for you.

    The [token-value] is the full Token of the form “[a-z0-9]{6}.[a-z0-9]{16}” or the Token ID of the form “[a-z0-9]{6}” to delete.

    Options inherited from parent commands


    Whether to enable dry-run mode or not

    —kubeconfig string     Default: “/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf”

    The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. If the flag is not set, a set of standard locations can be searched for an existing kubeconfig file.

    —rootfs string

    [EXPERIMENTAL] The path to the ‘real’ host root filesystem.

    Generate and print a bootstrap token, but do not create it on the server


    This command will print out a randomly-generated bootstrap token that can be used with the “init” and “join” commands.

    You don’t have to use this command in order to generate a token. You can do so yourself as long as it is in the format “[a-z0-9]{6}.[a-z0-9]{16}”. This command is provided for convenience to generate tokens in the given format.



    Whether to enable dry-run mode or not

    —kubeconfig string     Default: “/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf”

    The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. If the flag is not set, a set of standard locations can be searched for an existing kubeconfig file.

    —rootfs string

    [EXPERIMENTAL] The path to the ‘real’ host root filesystem.

    List bootstrap tokens on the server


    This command will list all bootstrap tokens for you.


    Options inherited from parent commands


    Whether to enable dry-run mode or not

    —kubeconfig string     Default: “/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf”

    The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. If the flag is not set, a set of standard locations can be searched for an existing kubeconfig file.

    —rootfs string