Example: Deploying Cassandra with a StatefulSet

    StatefulSets make it easier to deploy stateful applications into your Kubernetes cluster. For more information on the features used in this tutorial, see StatefulSet.


    Cassandra and Kubernetes both use the term node to mean a member of a cluster. In this tutorial, the Pods that belong to the StatefulSet are Cassandra nodes and are members of the Cassandra cluster (called a ring). When those Pods run in your Kubernetes cluster, the Kubernetes control plane schedules those Pods onto Kubernetes .

    When a Cassandra node starts, it uses a seed list to bootstrap discovery of other nodes in the ring. This tutorial deploys a custom Cassandra seed provider that lets the database discover new Cassandra Pods as they appear inside your Kubernetes cluster.

    • Create and validate a Cassandra headless Service.
    • Use a to create a Cassandra ring.
    • Validate the StatefulSet.
    • Modify the StatefulSet.
    • Delete the StatefulSet and its Pods.

    Before you begin

    You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. It is recommended to run this tutorial on a cluster with at least two nodes that are not acting as control plane hosts. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using minikube or you can use one of these Kubernetes playgrounds:

    To complete this tutorial, you should already have a basic familiarity with , Services, and .


    Minikube defaults to 2048MB of memory and 2 CPU. Running Minikube with the default resource configuration results in insufficient resource errors during this tutorial. To avoid these errors, start Minikube with the following settings:

    Creating a headless Service for Cassandra

    In Kubernetes, a Service describes a set of that perform the same task.

    The following Service is used for DNS lookups between Cassandra Pods and clients within your cluster:


    1. kind: Service
    2. metadata:
    3. labels:
    4. app: cassandra
    5. name: cassandra
    6. spec:
    7. clusterIP: None
    8. ports:
    9. - port: 9042
    10. selector:
    11. app: cassandra

    Create a Service to track all Cassandra StatefulSet members from the cassandra-service.yaml file:

    1. kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/cassandra/cassandra-service.yaml

    Validating (optional)

    Get the Cassandra Service.

    1. kubectl get svc cassandra
    2. cassandra ClusterIP None <none> 9042/TCP 45s

    If you don’t see a Service named cassandra, that means creation failed. Read Debug Services for help troubleshooting common issues.

    The StatefulSet manifest, included below, creates a Cassandra ring that consists of three Pods.

    Note: This example uses the default provisioner for Minikube. Please update the following StatefulSet for the cloud you are working with.

    Example: Deploying Cassandra with a StatefulSet - 图2

    1. apiVersion: apps/v1
    2. kind: StatefulSet
    3. metadata:
    4. name: cassandra
    5. labels:
    6. app: cassandra
    7. spec:
    8. serviceName: cassandra
    9. replicas: 3
    10. selector:
    11. matchLabels:
    12. app: cassandra
    13. template:
    14. metadata:
    15. labels:
    16. app: cassandra
    17. spec:
    18. terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 1800
    19. containers:
    20. - name: cassandra
    21. image: gcr.io/google-samples/cassandra:v13
    22. imagePullPolicy: Always
    23. ports:
    24. - containerPort: 7000
    25. name: intra-node
    26. - containerPort: 7001
    27. name: tls-intra-node
    28. name: jmx
    29. - containerPort: 9042
    30. name: cql
    31. resources:
    32. limits:
    33. cpu: "500m"
    34. memory: 1Gi
    35. requests:
    36. cpu: "500m"
    37. memory: 1Gi
    38. securityContext:
    39. add:
    40. - IPC_LOCK
    41. lifecycle:
    42. preStop:
    43. exec:
    44. command:
    45. - /bin/sh
    46. - -c
    47. - nodetool drain
    48. env:
    49. - name: MAX_HEAP_SIZE
    50. value: 512M
    51. - name: HEAP_NEWSIZE
    52. value: 100M
    53. - name: CASSANDRA_SEEDS
    54. value: "cassandra-0.cassandra.default.svc.cluster.local"
    56. value: "K8Demo"
    57. - name: CASSANDRA_DC
    58. value: "DC1-K8Demo"
    59. - name: CASSANDRA_RACK
    60. value: "Rack1-K8Demo"
    61. - name: POD_IP
    62. valueFrom:
    63. fieldRef:
    64. fieldPath: status.podIP
    65. readinessProbe:
    66. exec:
    67. command:
    68. - /bin/bash
    69. - -c
    70. - /ready-probe.sh
    71. initialDelaySeconds: 15
    72. timeoutSeconds: 5
    73. # These volume mounts are persistent. They are like inline claims,
    74. # but not exactly because the names need to match exactly one of
    75. # the stateful pod volumes.
    76. volumeMounts:
    77. - name: cassandra-data
    78. mountPath: /cassandra_data
    79. # These are converted to volume claims by the controller
    80. # and mounted at the paths mentioned above.
    81. # do not use these in production until ssd GCEPersistentDisk or other ssd pd
    82. volumeClaimTemplates:
    83. - metadata:
    84. name: cassandra-data
    85. spec:
    86. accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
    87. storageClassName: fast
    88. requests:
    89. storage: 1Gi
    90. ---
    91. kind: StorageClass
    92. apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    93. metadata:
    94. provisioner: k8s.io/minikube-hostpath
    95. parameters:
    96. type: pd-ssd

    Create the Cassandra StatefulSet from the cassandra-statefulset.yaml file:

    1. # Use this if you are able to apply cassandra-statefulset.yaml unmodified
    2. kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/cassandra/cassandra-statefulset.yaml

    If you need to modify cassandra-statefulset.yaml to suit your cluster, download https://k8s.io/examples/application/cassandra/cassandra-statefulset.yaml and then apply that manifest, from the folder you saved the modified version into:

    Validating the Cassandra StatefulSet

    1. Get the Cassandra StatefulSet:

      1. kubectl get statefulset cassandra

      The response should be similar to:

      2. cassandra 3 0 13s

      The StatefulSet resource deploys Pods sequentially.

    2. Get the Pods to see the ordered creation status:

      1. kubectl get pods -l="app=cassandra"

      The response should be similar to:

      2. cassandra-0 1/1 Running 0 1m
      3. cassandra-1 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 8s

      It can take several minutes for all three Pods to deploy. Once they are deployed, the same command returns output similar to:

      2. cassandra-0 1/1 Running 0 10m
      3. cassandra-1 1/1 Running 0 9m
      4. cassandra-2 1/1 Running 0 8m
    3. Run the Cassandra nodetool inside the first Pod, to display the status of the ring.

      1. kubectl exec -it cassandra-0 -- nodetool status

    Modifying the Cassandra StatefulSet

    Use kubectl edit to modify the size of a Cassandra StatefulSet.

    1. Run the following command:

      1. kubectl edit statefulset cassandra

      This command opens an editor in your terminal. The line you need to change is the replicas field. The following sample is an excerpt of the StatefulSet file:

      1. # Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
      2. # and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
      3. # reopened with the relevant failures.
      4. #
      5. apiVersion: apps/v1
      6. kind: StatefulSet
      7. metadata:
      8. creationTimestamp: 2016-08-13T18:40:58Z
      9. generation: 1
      10. labels:
      11. app: cassandra
      12. name: cassandra
      13. namespace: default
      14. resourceVersion: "323"
      15. uid: 7a219483-6185-11e6-a910-42010a8a0fc0
      16. spec:
      17. replicas: 3
    2. Change the number of replicas to 4, and then save the manifest.

      The StatefulSet now scales to run with 4 Pods.

    3. Get the Cassandra StatefulSet to verify your change:

      1. kubectl get statefulset cassandra

      The response should be similar to:

      2. cassandra 4 4 36m

    Deleting or scaling a StatefulSet down does not delete the volumes associated with the StatefulSet. This setting is for your safety because your data is more valuable than automatically purging all related StatefulSet resources.

    Warning: Depending on the storage class and reclaim policy, deleting the PersistentVolumeClaims may cause the associated volumes to also be deleted. Never assume you’ll be able to access data if its volume claims are deleted.

    1. Run the following commands (chained together into a single command) to delete everything in the Cassandra StatefulSet:

      1. grace=$(kubectl get pod cassandra-0 -o=jsonpath='{.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds}') \
      2. && kubectl delete statefulset -l app=cassandra \
      3. && echo "Sleeping ${grace} seconds" 1>&2 \
      4. && sleep $grace \
      5. && kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim -l app=cassandra
    2. Run the following command to delete the Service you set up for Cassandra:

      1. kubectl delete service -l app=cassandra

    Cassandra container environment variables

    The Pods in this tutorial use the image from Google’s container registry. The Docker image above is based on and includes OpenJDK 8.

    This image includes a standard Cassandra installation from the Apache Debian repo. By using environment variables you can change values that are inserted into cassandra.yaml.

    What’s next