Enable OpenID Connect in the Dev Portal

    must be used with the method, utilizing cookies for Dev Portal File API requests.

    In addition, a configuration object is required to enable OIDC. Refer to the Sample Configuration Object section of this document for more information.

    Note: The Dev Portal does not automatically create developer accounts on login via OIDC. A developer account matching the consumer_claim configuration parameter has to be created and approved (if auto approve is not enabled) beforehand.

    OIDC for the Dev Portal can be enabled in one of the following ways:

    Session Plugin Config does not apply when using OpenID Connect.

    The placeholders above should be replaced with your actual values:

    • <CLIENT_ID> - Client ID provided by IdP

    See the documentation of the OpenID Connect plugin for more information.

    Important: The redirect_uri needs to be configured as an allowed URI in the IdP. If not set explicitly in the configuration object, the URI default is http://localhost:8004/<WORKSPACE_NAME>/auth.

    If and portal_api_url are set to share a domain but differ with regard to subdomain, redirect_uri and session_cookie_domain need to be configured to allow OpenID Connect to apply the session correctly.


    1. Navigate to the Dev Portal’s Settings page.
    2. Find Authentication plugin under the Authentication tab.
    3. Select OpenId Connect from the drop down.
    4. Select Custom from the Auth Config (JSON) field drop down.
    5. Click Save Changes.

    You can use the Kong Admin API to set up Dev Portal Authentication. To patch a Dev Portal’s authentication property directly, run:

    Warning When Dev Portal Authentication is enabled, content files will remain unauthenticated until a role is applied to them. The exception to this is settings.txt and dashboard.txt which begin with the * role. Please visit the section for more info.

    Kong allows for a default authentication plugin to be set in the Kong configuration file with the portal_auth property.

    In your file, set the property as follows:

    Then set the portal_auth_conf property to your customized Configuration JSON Object.