Add a Role and Permissions

    Kong Gateway includes default Roles for standard use cases, e.g. inviting additional Super Admins, inviting Admins that may only endpoints.

    This guide describes how to create a custom Role in Kong Manager for a unique use case. As an alternative, if a Super Admin wants to create a Role with the Admin API, it is possible to do so using . To add Permissions to the new Role, use /rbac/roles/{name_or_id}/endpoints for endpoints or for specific entities.

    Add a role and permissions

    1. On the Admins page, to create a new Role, click the Add Role button at the top right of the list of Roles.

    2. On the Add Role form, name the Role according to the Permissions you want to grant.

      Note: It may be helpful for future reference to include a brief comment describing the reason for the Permissions or a summary of the Role.

    3. Click Add Permission to Role to see the permissions listed on the form.

    4. To forbid access to certain endpoints, click Add Permission again and use the negative checkbox.

    5. Submit the form and see the new Role appear on the Admins page.

      Roles list