Load balancing
NOTE: To do this, you must first ensure that individual pod addressability is enabled.
Knative assigns a subset of Activators for each revision, depending on the revision size. More revision pods will mean a greater number of Activators for that revision.
- If concurrency is set to a value less or equal than 3, the Activator will send the request to the first pod that has capacity. Otherwise, requests will be balanced in a round robin fashion, with respect to container concurrency.
For more information, see the documentation on concurrency.
Configuring target burst capacity
Target burst capacity can be configured using a combination of the following parameters:
- Setting the targeted concurrency limits for the revision. See concurrency.
- Setting the target burst capacity. You can configure target burst capacity using the annotation key in the ConfigMap. See .
- Setting the Activator capacity by using the ConfigMap. See Setting the Activator capacity.