Publishing to your Kubernetes cluster

    If you already have a Kubernetes cluster running, you can skip this step. The cluster must be 1.15+

    1. eval $(minikube docker-env)
    2. export KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local

    Apply the CRD and configuration yaml

    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Service
    3. name: event-display
    4. namespace: knative-samples
    5. template:
    6. spec:
    7. containers:
    8. - image:
    9. ---
    10. apiVersion:
    11. kind: SampleSource
    12. namespace: knative-samples
    13. spec:
    14. interval: "10s"
    15. sink:
    16. ref:
    17. apiVersion:
    18. kind: Service
    19. name: event-display

    Once reconciled, you can confirm the ksvc is outputting valid cloudevents every to align with our specified interval.