Knative Serving metrics

    The following metrics can help you to understand how an application responds when traffic passes through the activator. For example, when scaling from zero, high request latency might mean that requests are taking too much time to be fulfilled.

    The following metrics are emitted by any component that implements a controller logic. The metrics show details about the reconciliation operations and the workqueue behavior on which reconciliation requests are enqueued.

    Each Knative Serving control plane process emits a number of Go runtime memory statistics (shown next). As a baseline for monitoring purproses, user could start with a subset of the metrics: current allocations (go_alloc), total allocations (go_total_alloc), system memory (go_sys), mallocs (go_mallocs), frees (go_frees) and garbage collection total pause time (total_gc_pause_ns), next gc target heap size (go_next_gc) and number of garbage collection cycles (num_gc).

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