Graph Widget Context Menu
Steps: Right-click on a nodeblock in the Graph view and choose .
UnHighlight Block
Description: If a block in the Graph view is highlighted, this option will unhighlight it and restore the original color.
Steps: Right-click on a highlighted nodeblock in the Graph view and choose Unhighlight block
Description: Open the Color Picker dialog to set a background color for the selected instruction in the Graph view.
Steps: Right-click on an instruction in the Graph view and choose .
UnHighlight Instruction
Description: If an instruction in the Graph view is highlighted, this option will unhighlight it and restore the original color.
Steps: Right-click on a highlighted instruction in the Graph view and choose Unhighlight instruction
Description: Export the current graph to one of the following formats:
PNG Image
SVG Image
When Graphviz is installed, the following options are also available:
Graphviz PostScript File
Graphviz Dot File
Graphviz JSON File
Graphviz PNG Image
Graphviz JPG Image
Graphviz SVG Image
Graph Layout Direction
Description: Graph layout direction can be either vertical top to bottom or horizontal left to right.
Steps: Right-click anywhere on the Graph view Layout -> Horizontal
Description: Choose the layout to be used by Cutter to display the Graph. Cutter supports the following Graph layout algorithms:
When Graphviz is installed, the following options are also available:
Graphviz ortho