Public Types
- using EdgeConfigurationMapping = std::map<std::pair<ut64, ut64>, EdgeConfiguration>
Public Functions
DisassemblerGraphView(QWidget *parent, CutterSeekable *seekable, *mainWindow, QList<QAction*> additionalMenuAction)
~DisassemblerGraphView() override
virtual void drawBlock(QPainter &p, GraphView:: &block, bool interactive) override
p – painter object, not necesarily current widget
block –
interactive – - can be used for disabling elemnts during export
virtual void blockClicked(GraphView:: &block, QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) override
virtual bool helpEvent(QHelpEvent *event) override
virtual void blockHelpEvent(GraphView:: &block, QHelpEvent *event, QPoint pos) override
virtual GraphView:: edgeConfiguration(GraphView:: &from, GraphView:: *to, bool interactive) override
virtual void blockTransitionedTo(GraphView:: *to) override
void loadCurrentGraph()
inline int getWidth()
inline int getHeight()
inline std::unordered_map<ut64, GraphBlock> getBlocks()
EdgeConfigurationMapping getEdgeConfigurations()
Public Members
QString windowTitle
ut64 currentFcnAddr = RVA_INVALID
keep the current addr of the fcn of Graph Everytime overview updates its contents, it compares this value with the one in Graph if they aren’t same, then Overview needs to update the pixmap cache.
Public Slots
void refreshView() override
void onSeekChanged(RVA addr)
void takeTrue()
void takeFalse()
void nextInstr()
void prevInstr()
- void nameChanged(const QString &name)