
    Subclassed by CallGraphWidget,

    Public Functions

    • AddressableDockWidget(MainWindow *parent)

    • inline ~AddressableDockWidget() override

    • virtual QVariantMap serializeViewProprties() override

      Override this function for saving dock specific view properties. Use in situations where it makes sense to have different properties for multiple instances of widget. Don’t use for options that are more suitable as global settings and should be applied equally to all widgets or all widgets of this kind.

      Keep synchrononized with deserializeViewProperties. When modifying add project upgrade step in SettingsUpgrade.cpp if necessary.

      • See

    • Deserialization half of serialize view properties.

      When a property is not specified in property map dock should reset it to default value instead of leaving it umodified. Empty map should reset all properties controlled by serializeViewProprties/deserializeViewProperties mechanism.

    • void updateWindowTitle()