Consul K8s CLI Reference

    Consul K8s CLI is is currently availabe as a beta release and is not recommended for production environments.

    1. Clone the consul-k8s project.

    2. Navigate to the consul-k8s/cli directory and issue the following command to build the tool:

    3. (Optional) Move the binary to you $PATH for ease of use, e.g.:

      1. mv consul-k8s /usr/local/bin/consul-k8s

    Consul K8s CLI uses the following syntax:

    The install command installs Consul on Kubernetes.

    1. consul-k8s install <OPTIONS>

    The following options are available.

    See for additional commands that you can use when installing Consul on Kubernetes.

    Example Commands

    The following example command installs Consul according in the myNS namespace according to the secure preset.

    1. consul-k8s install -preset=secure -namespace=myNS

    The following example commands install Consul on Kubernetes using custom values, files, or strings that are set via flags. The underlying Consul-on-Kubernetes Helm chart uses the flags to customize the installation. The flags are comparable to the helm install .


    The uninstall command removes Consul from Kubernetes.

    1. consul-k8s uninstall <OPTIONS>

    See for additional commands that you can use when uninstalling Consul from Kubernetes.

    Example Command

    The following example command immediately uninstalls Consul from the my-ns namespace with the name my-consul and removes PVCs and secrets associated with the installation without asking for verification:

    1. consul-k8s uninstall -namespace=my-ns -name=my-consul -wipe-data=true -auto-approve=true

    The version command prints the Consul version.

    This command does not take any options.

    You can also print the version with the --version flag.

      The following global options are available.