General Upgrade Process

    First, download the binary for the new version you want.

    General Process - 图2

    All current and past versions of the OSS and Enterprise releases are available here:

    1. Take a snapshot:

    You can inspect the snapshot to ensure if was successful with:

    Example output:

    1. ID 2-1182-1542056499724
    2. Size 4115
    3. Index 1182
    4. Term 2

    This will ensure you have a safe fallback option in case something goes wrong. Store this snapshot somewhere safe. More documentation on snapshot usage is available here:

    1. consul reload

    This change will give you more information to work with in the event something goes wrong.

    1. Issue the following command to discover which server is currently the leader:

    You should receive output similar to this (exact formatting and content may differ based on version):

    1. Node ID Address State Voter RaftProtocol
    2. dc1-node2 20e6be1b-f1cb-4aab-929f-f7d2d43d9a96 follower true 3
    3. dc1-node3 658c343b-8769-431f-a71a-236f9dbb17b3 follower true 3

    Take note of which agent is the leader.

    2. Copy the new consul binary onto your servers and replace the existing binary with the new one.

    3. The following steps must be done in order on the server agents, leaving the leader agent for last. First force the server agent to leave the cluster with the following command:

    1. consul leave

    Then, use a service management system (e.g., systemd, upstart, etc.) to restart the Consul service. If you are not using a service management system, you must restart the agent manually.

    To validate that the agent has rejoined the cluster and is in sync with the leader, issue the following command:

    1. consul info

    4. Double-check that all servers are showing up in the cluster as expected and are on the correct version by issuing:

    You should receive output similar to this:

    1. Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
    2. dc1-node3 alive server 1.8.3 2 dc1

    Also double-check the raft state to make sure there is a leader and sufficient voters:

    1. consul operator raft list-peers

    You should receive output similar to this:

    1. Node ID Address State Voter RaftProtocol
    2. dc1-node1 ae15858f-7f5f-4dcb-b7d5-710fdcdd2745 leader true 3
    3. dc1-node2 20e6be1b-f1cb-4aab-929f-f7d2d43d9a96 follower true 3
    4. dc1-node3 658c343b-8769-431f-a71a-236f9dbb17b3 follower true 3

    5. Set your log_level back to its original value and issue the following command on your servers to reload the configuration:

    Most problems with upgrading occur due to either failing to upgrade the leader agent last, or failing to wait for a follower agent to fully rejoin a cluster before moving on to another server. This can cause a loss of quorum and occasionally can result in all of your servers attempting to kick off leadership elections endlessly without ever reaching a quorum and electing a leader.

    Most of these problems can be solved by following the steps outlined in our document. If you are still having trouble after trying the recovery steps outlined there, then the following options for further assistance are available:

    • OSS users without paid support plans can request help in our Community Forum
    • Enterprise and OSS users with paid support plans can contact

    When contacting Hashicorp Support, please include the following information in your ticket:

    • Consul version you were upgrading FROM and TO.
    • Debug level logs from all servers in the cluster that you are having trouble with. These should include logs from prior to the upgrade attempt up through the current time. If your logs were not set at debug level prior to the upgrade, please include those logs as well. Also, update your config to use debug logs, and include logs from after that was done.
    • Your Consul config files (please redact any secrets).