Sort Rows

    The transform optionally only pass unique records, based on the sort keys.


    Transform name

    Name of the transform, this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.

    Sort directory

    The directory in which the temporary files are stored in case when needed; the default is the standard temporary directory for the system

    TMP-file prefix

    Sort size

    The more rows you store in memory, the faster the sorting process because fewer temporary files must be used and less I/O is generated.

    Free memory threshold (in %)

    If the sort algorithm finds that it has less available free memory than the indicated number, it will start to page data to disk.

    Compress TMP Files

    Compresses temporary files when they are needed to complete the sort.

    Enable if you want to pass unique rows only to the output stream(s).

    Fields table

    Specify the fields and direction (ascending/descending) to sort. You can specify whether to perform a case sensitive sort (optional)

    Get Fields

    Click to retrieve a list of all fields coming in on the stream(s).

    All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.