
    You can use it to represent information with nodes and relationships in a property graph. Neo4j doesn’t use indexes which allows it to traverse large graphs really quickly with so-called graph algorithms. For more information on these unique graph algorithms see: Neo4j Graph Algorithms

    Hop supports Neo4j through the following metadata objects

    Perspective: Execution lineage

    You can use Neo4j to store logging and execution lineage of your workflows and pipelines. The way you do this is simply by setting the variable to the name of the Neo4j Connection where you want the logging and lineage to be written to.

    The Neo4j plugin offers a separate perspective to query this logging and lineage information. For example, it allows you to quickly jump to the place where an error occurred. This neat trick is performed by asking the database to find the shortest path between and execution node where an error occurred and without children and the “grand parent” node. The path you get is the exact path that was followed from for example the “grand parent” workflow to the exact transform where an error occurred.

    Workflow Actions

    • : execute a Cypher query on a Neo4j database using parameter info from input fields

    • Neo4j Get Log Info: Queries the Neo4j logging graph for execution info

    • : Writes to a Neo4j graph using an input fields mapping.

    • Neo4j Import: Runs a Neo4j import command using the provided CSV files

    • : Splits the nodes and relationships of a Neo4j graph
