Select Values

    These operations are organized into different categories:

    • Select and Alter — Specify the exact order and name in which the fields have to be placed in the output rows

    • Meta-data - Change the name, type, length and precision (the metadata) of one or more fields

    This tab contains options for selecting and changing data types and fields. The Get Fields to Select button will retrieve available fields based on the existing input transforms and populate the entries in this tab.

    Edit Mapping

    The Edit Mapping dialog allows you to easily define multiple mappings between source and target fields.

    This tab allows you to remove fields from the input stream. Click Get fields to remove to import fields from previous transforms.

    Options under this tab allow you to rename input fields, convert them to different data types, and alter their length, and precision. Click Get fields to change to import fields from previous transforms.

    All fields of this transform support metadata injection. You can use this transform with ETL Metadata Injection to pass metadata to your pipeline at runtime.