
    The type is the supertype of all character implementations in Julia. A character represents a Unicode code point, and can be converted to an integer via the function in order to obtain the numerical value of the code point, or constructed from the same integer. These numerical values determine how characters are compared with < and ==, for example. New T <: AbstractChar types should define a codepoint(::T) method and a T(::UInt32) constructor, at minimum.

    A given AbstractChar subtype may be capable of representing only a subset of Unicode, in which case conversion from an unsupported UInt32 value may throw an error. Conversely, the built-in Char type represents a superset of Unicode (in order to losslessly encode invalid byte streams), in which case conversion of a non-Unicode value to UInt32 throws an error. The function can be used to check which codepoints are representable in a given AbstractChar type.

    Internally, an AbstractChar type may use a variety of encodings. Conversion via codepoint(char) will not reveal this encoding because it always returns the Unicode value of the character. print(io, c) of any c::AbstractChar produces an encoding determined by io (UTF-8 for all built-in IO types), via conversion to Char if necessary.

    write(io, c), in contrast, may emit an encoding depending on typeof(c), and read(io, typeof(c)) should read the same encoding as write. New AbstractChar types must provide their own implementations of write and read.


    — Type

    Char is a 32-bit AbstractChar type that is the default representation of characters in Julia. Char is the type used for character literals like 'x' and it is also the element type of .

    In order to losslessly represent arbitrary byte streams stored in a String, a Char value may store information that cannot be converted to a Unicode codepoint — converting such a Char to UInt32 will throw an error. The isvalid(c::Char) function can be used to query whether c represents a valid Unicode character.

    Base.codepoint — Function

    1. codepoint(c::AbstractChar) -> Integer

    Return the Unicode codepoint (an unsigned integer) corresponding to the character c (or throw an exception if c does not represent a valid character). For Char, this is a UInt32 value, but AbstractChar types that represent only a subset of Unicode may return a different-sized integer (e.g. UInt8).

    Base.length — Method

    1. length(s::AbstractString) -> Int
    2. length(s::AbstractString, i::Integer, j::Integer) -> Int

    Return the number of characters in string s from indices i through j.

    This is computed as the number of code unit indices from i to j which are valid character indices. With only a single string argument, this computes the number of characters in the entire string. With i and j arguments it computes the number of indices between i and j inclusive that are valid indices in the string s. In addition to in-bounds values, i may take the out-of-bounds value ncodeunits(s) + 1 and j may take the out-of-bounds value 0.


    The time complexity of this operation is linear in general. That is, it will take the time proportional to the number of bytes or characters in the string because it counts the value on the fly. This is in contrast to the method for arrays, which is a constant-time operation.

    See also: , ncodeunits, , thisind, , prevind


    1. julia> length("jμΛIα")
    2. 5

    Base.sizeof — Method

    1. sizeof(str::AbstractString)

    Size, in bytes, of the string str. Equal to the number of code units in str multiplied by the size, in bytes, of one code unit in str.


    1. julia> sizeof("")
    2. 0
    3. julia> sizeof("∀")
    4. 3

    Base.:* — Method

    1. *(s::Union{AbstractString, AbstractChar}, t::Union{AbstractString, AbstractChar}...) -> AbstractString

    Concatenate strings and/or characters, producing a . This is equivalent to calling the string function on the arguments. Concatenation of built-in string types always produces a value of type String but other string types may choose to return a string of a different type as appropriate.


    1. julia> "Hello " * "world"
    2. "Hello world"
    3. julia> 'j' * "ulia"
    4. "julia"

    Base.:^ — Method

    1. ^(s::Union{AbstractString,AbstractChar}, n::Integer)

    Repeat a string or character n times. This can also be written as repeat(s, n).

    See also:


    1. julia> "Test "^3
    2. "Test Test Test "


    — Function

    1. string(n::Integer; base::Integer = 10, pad::Integer = 1)

    Convert an integer n to a string in the given base, optionally specifying a number of digits to pad to.

    1. julia> string(5, base = 13, pad = 4)
    2. "0005"
    3. julia> string(13, base = 5, pad = 4)
    4. "0023"


    1. string(xs...)

    Create a string from any values using the function.

    string should usually not be defined directly. Instead, define a method print(io::IO, x::MyType). If string(x) for a certain type needs to be highly efficient, then it may make sense to add a method to string and define print(io::IO, x::MyType) = print(io, string(x)) to ensure the functions are consistent.


    1. julia> string("a", 1, true)
    2. "a1true"


    — Method

    1. repeat(s::AbstractString, r::Integer)

    Repeat a string r times. This can be written as s^r.

    See also: ^


    1. julia> repeat("ha", 3)
    2. "hahaha"

    Base.repeat — Method

    1. repeat(c::AbstractChar, r::Integer) -> String

    Repeat a character r times. This can equivalently be accomplished by calling .


    1. julia> repeat('A', 3)
    2. "AAA"


    — Method

    1. repr(x; context=nothing)

    Create a string from any value using the show function. You should not add methods to repr; define a show method instead.

    The optional keyword argument context can be set to an IO or object whose attributes are used for the I/O stream passed to show.

    Note that repr(x) is usually similar to how the value of x would be entered in Julia. See also repr(MIME(“text/plain”), x) to instead return a “pretty-printed” version of x designed more for human consumption, equivalent to the REPL display of x.


    1. julia> repr(1)
    2. "1"
    3. julia> repr(zeros(3))
    4. "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]"
    5. julia> repr(big(1/3))
    6. "0.333333333333333314829616256247390992939472198486328125"
    7. julia> repr(big(1/3), context=:compact => true)
    8. "0.333333"

    Core.String — Method

    1. String(s::AbstractString)

    Convert a string to a contiguous byte array representation encoded as UTF-8 bytes. This representation is often appropriate for passing strings to C.

    Base.SubString — Type

    1. SubString(s::AbstractString, i::Integer, j::Integer=lastindex(s))
    2. SubString(s::AbstractString, r::UnitRange{<:Integer})

    Like , but returns a view into the parent string s within range i:j or r respectively instead of making a copy.


    1. julia> SubString("abc", 1, 2)
    2. "ab"
    3. julia> SubString("abc", 1:2)
    4. "ab"
    5. julia> SubString("abc", 2)
    6. "bc"


    — Function

    1. transcode(T, src)

    Convert string data between Unicode encodings. src is either a String or a Vector{UIntXX} of UTF-XX code units, where XX is 8, 16, or 32. T indicates the encoding of the return value: String to return a (UTF-8 encoded) String or UIntXX to return a Vector{UIntXX} of UTF-XX data. (The alias Cwchar_t can also be used as the integer type, for converting wchar_t* strings used by external C libraries.)

    The transcode function succeeds as long as the input data can be reasonably represented in the target encoding; it always succeeds for conversions between UTF-XX encodings, even for invalid Unicode data.

    Only conversion to/from UTF-8 is currently supported.

    Base.unsafe_string — Function

    1. unsafe_string(p::Ptr{UInt8}, [length::Integer])

    Copy a string from the address of a C-style (NUL-terminated) string encoded as UTF-8. (The pointer can be safely freed afterwards.) If length is specified (the length of the data in bytes), the string does not have to be NUL-terminated.

    This function is labeled “unsafe” because it will crash if p is not a valid memory address to data of the requested length.

    Base.ncodeunits — Method

    1. ncodeunits(s::AbstractString) -> Int

    Return the number of code units in a string. Indices that are in bounds to access this string must satisfy 1 ≤ i ≤ ncodeunits(s). Not all such indices are valid – they may not be the start of a character, but they will return a code unit value when calling codeunit(s,i).


    1. julia> ncodeunits("The Julia Language")
    2. 18
    3. julia> ncodeunits("∫eˣ")
    4. 6
    5. julia> ncodeunits('∫'), ncodeunits('e'), ncodeunits('ˣ')
    6. (3, 1, 2)

    See also: , checkbounds, , length,


    — Function

    1. codeunit(s::AbstractString) -> Type{<:Union{UInt8, UInt16, UInt32}}

    Return the code unit type of the given string object. For ASCII, Latin-1, or UTF-8 encoded strings, this would be UInt8; for UCS-2 and UTF-16 it would be UInt16; for UTF-32 it would be UInt32. The code unit type need not be limited to these three types, but it’s hard to think of widely used string encodings that don’t use one of these units. codeunit(s) is the same as typeof(codeunit(s,1)) when s is a non-empty string.

    See also: ncodeunits

    1. codeunit(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) -> Union{UInt8, UInt16, UInt32}

    Return the code unit value in the string s at index i. Note that

    1. codeunit(s, i) :: codeunit(s)

    I.e. the value returned by codeunit(s, i) is of the type returned by codeunit(s).


    1. julia> a = codeunit("Hello", 2)
    2. 0x65
    3. julia> typeof(a)
    4. UInt8

    See also: ncodeunits,


    — Function

    1. codeunits(s::AbstractString)

    Obtain a vector-like object containing the code units of a string. Returns a CodeUnits wrapper by default, but codeunits may optionally be defined for new string types if necessary.


    1. julia> codeunits("Juλia")
    2. 6-element Base.CodeUnits{UInt8, String}:
    3. 0x4a
    4. 0x75
    5. 0xce
    6. 0xbb
    7. 0x69
    8. 0x61


    — Function

    1. ascii(s::AbstractString)

    Convert a string to String type and check that it contains only ASCII data, otherwise throwing an ArgumentError indicating the position of the first non-ASCII byte.


    1. julia> ascii("abcdeγfgh")
    2. ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid ASCII at index 6 in "abcdeγfgh"
    3. Stacktrace:
    4. [...]
    5. julia> ascii("abcdefgh")
    6. "abcdefgh"


    — Type

    1. Regex(pattern[, flags])

    A type representing a regular expression. Regex objects can be used to match strings with match.

    Regex objects can be created using the string macro. The Regex(pattern[, flags]) constructor is usually used if the pattern string needs to be interpolated. See the documentation of the string macro for details on flags.


    — Macro

    1. @r_str -> Regex

    Construct a regex, such as r"^[a-z]*$", without interpolation and unescaping (except for quotation mark " which still has to be escaped). The regex also accepts one or more flags, listed after the ending quote, to change its behaviour:

    • i enables case-insensitive matching
    • m treats the ^ and $ tokens as matching the start and end of individual lines, as opposed to the whole string.
    • s allows the . modifier to match newlines.
    • x enables “comment mode”: whitespace is enabled except when escaped with \, and # is treated as starting a comment.
    • a disables UCP mode (enables ASCII mode). By default \B, \b, \D, \d, \S, \s, \W, \w, etc. match based on Unicode character properties. With this option, these sequences only match ASCII characters.

    See Regex if interpolation is needed.


    1. julia> match(r"a+.*b+.*?d$"ism, "Goodbye,\nOh, angry,\nBad world\n")
    2. RegexMatch("angry,\nBad world")

    This regex has the first three flags enabled.

    Base.SubstitutionString — Type

    1. SubstitutionString(substr)

    Stores the given string substr as a SubstitutionString, for use in regular expression substitutions. Most commonly constructed using the macro.

    1. julia> SubstitutionString("Hello \\g<name>, it's \\1")
    2. s"Hello \g<name>, it's \1"
    3. julia> subst = s"Hello \g<name>, it's \1"
    4. s"Hello \g<name>, it's \1"
    5. julia> typeof(subst)
    6. SubstitutionString{String}


    — Macro

    1. @s_str -> SubstitutionString

    Construct a substitution string, used for regular expression substitutions. Within the string, sequences of the form \N refer to the Nth capture group in the regex, and \g<groupname> refers to a named capture group with name groupname.

    1. julia> msg = "#Hello# from Julia";
    2. julia> replace(msg, r"#(.+)# from (?<from>\w+)" => s"FROM: \g<from>; MESSAGE: \1")
    3. "FROM: Julia; MESSAGE: Hello"


    — Macro

    1. @raw_str -> String

    Create a raw string without interpolation and unescaping. The exception is that quotation marks still must be escaped. Backslashes escape both quotation marks and other backslashes, but only when a sequence of backslashes precedes a quote character. Thus, 2n backslashes followed by a quote encodes n backslashes and the end of the literal while 2n+1 backslashes followed by a quote encodes n backslashes followed by a quote character.


    1. julia> println(raw"\ $x")
    2. \ $x
    3. julia> println(raw"\"")
    4. "
    5. julia> println(raw"\\\"")
    6. \"
    7. julia> println(raw"\\x \\\"")
    8. \\x \"


    — Macro

    1. @b_str

    Create an immutable byte (UInt8) vector using string syntax.


    1. julia> v = b"12\x01\x02"
    2. 4-element Base.CodeUnits{UInt8, String}:
    3. 0x31
    4. 0x32
    5. 0x01
    6. 0x02
    7. julia> v[2]
    8. 0x32


    — Macro

    1. @html_str -> Docs.HTML

    Create an HTML object from a literal string.


    — Macro

    1. @text_str -> Docs.Text

    Create a Text object from a literal string.


    — Method

    1. isvalid(value) -> Bool

    Returns true if the given value is valid for its type, which currently can be either AbstractChar or String or SubString{String}.


    1. julia> isvalid(Char(0xd800))
    2. false
    3. julia> isvalid(SubString(String(UInt8[0xfe,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80]),1,2))
    4. false
    5. julia> isvalid(Char(0xd799))
    6. true


    — Method

    1. isvalid(T, value) -> Bool

    Returns true if the given value is valid for that type. Types currently can be either AbstractChar or String. Values for AbstractChar can be of type AbstractChar or UInt32. Values for String can be of that type, SubString{String}, Vector{UInt8}, or a contiguous subarray thereof.


    1. julia> isvalid(Char, 0xd800)
    2. false
    3. julia> isvalid(String, SubString("thisisvalid",1,5))
    4. true
    5. julia> isvalid(Char, 0xd799)
    6. true

    Julia 1.6

    Support for subarray values was added in Julia 1.6.

    Base.isvalid — Method

    1. isvalid(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) -> Bool

    Predicate indicating whether the given index is the start of the encoding of a character in s or not. If isvalid(s, i) is true then s[i] will return the character whose encoding starts at that index, if it’s false, then s[i] will raise an invalid index error or a bounds error depending on if i is in bounds. In order for isvalid(s, i) to be an O(1) function, the encoding of s must be . This is a basic assumption of Julia’s generic string support.

    See also: getindex, , thisind, , prevind,


    1. julia> str = "αβγdef";
    2. julia> isvalid(str, 1)
    3. true
    4. julia> str[1]
    5. 'α': Unicode U+03B1 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
    6. julia> isvalid(str, 2)
    7. false
    8. julia> str[2]
    9. ERROR: StringIndexError: invalid index [2], valid nearby indices [1]=>'α', [3]=>'β'
    10. Stacktrace:
    11. [...]


    — Function

    1. match(r::Regex, s::AbstractString[, idx::Integer[, addopts]])

    Search for the first match of the regular expression r in s and return a RegexMatch object containing the match, or nothing if the match failed. The matching substring can be retrieved by accessing m.match and the captured sequences can be retrieved by accessing m.captures The optional idx argument specifies an index at which to start the search.


    1. julia> rx = r"a(.)a"
    2. r"a(.)a"
    3. julia> m = match(rx, "cabac")
    4. RegexMatch("aba", 1="b")
    5. julia> m.captures
    6. 1-element Vector{Union{Nothing, SubString{String}}}:
    7. "b"
    8. julia> m.match
    9. "aba"
    10. julia> match(rx, "cabac", 3) === nothing
    11. true


    — Function

    Search for all matches of the regular expression r in s and return an iterator over the matches. If overlap is true, the matching sequences are allowed to overlap indices in the original string, otherwise they must be from distinct character ranges.

    1. julia> rx = r"a.a"
    2. r"a.a"
    3. julia> m = eachmatch(rx, "a1a2a3a")
    4. Base.RegexMatchIterator(r"a.a", "a1a2a3a", false)
    5. julia> collect(m)
    6. 2-element Vector{RegexMatch}:
    7. RegexMatch("a3a")
    8. julia> collect(eachmatch(rx, "a1a2a3a", overlap = true))
    9. 3-element Vector{RegexMatch}:
    10. RegexMatch("a1a")
    11. RegexMatch("a2a")
    12. RegexMatch("a3a")


    — Method

    1. isless(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString) -> Bool

    Test whether string a comes before string b in alphabetical order (technically, in lexicographical order by Unicode code points).


    1. julia> isless("a", "b")
    2. true
    3. julia> isless("β", "α")
    4. false
    5. julia> isless("a", "a")
    6. false


    — Method

    1. ==(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString) -> Bool

    Test whether two strings are equal character by character (technically, Unicode code point by code point).


    1. julia> "abc" == "abc"
    2. true
    3. julia> "abc" == "αβγ"


    — Method

    1. cmp(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString) -> Int

    Compare two strings. Return 0 if both strings have the same length and the character at each index is the same in both strings. Return -1 if a is a prefix of b, or if a comes before b in alphabetical order. Return 1 if b is a prefix of a, or if b comes before a in alphabetical order (technically, lexicographical order by Unicode code points).


    1. julia> cmp("abc", "abc")
    2. 0
    3. julia> cmp("ab", "abc")
    4. -1
    5. julia> cmp("abc", "ab")
    6. 1
    7. julia> cmp("ab", "ac")
    8. -1
    9. julia> cmp("ac", "ab")
    10. 1
    11. julia> cmp("α", "a")
    12. 1
    13. julia> cmp("b", "β")
    14. -1


    — Function

    1. lpad(s, n::Integer, p::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ') -> String

    Stringify s and pad the resulting string on the left with p to make it n characters (code points) long. If s is already n characters long, an equal string is returned. Pad with spaces by default.


    1. julia> lpad("March", 10)
    2. " March"


    — Function

    1. rpad(s, n::Integer, p::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}=' ') -> String

    Stringify s and pad the resulting string on the right with p to make it n characters (code points) long. If s is already n characters long, an equal string is returned. Pad with spaces by default.


    1. julia> rpad("March", 20)
    2. "March "


    — Method

    1. findfirst(pattern::AbstractString, string::AbstractString)
    2. findfirst(pattern::AbstractPattern, string::String)

    Find the first occurrence of pattern in string. Equivalent to findnext(pattern, string, firstindex(s)).


    1. julia> findfirst("z", "Hello to the world") # returns nothing, but not printed in the REPL
    2. julia> findfirst("Julia", "JuliaLang")
    3. 1:5

    Base.findnext — Method

    1. findnext(pattern::AbstractString, string::AbstractString, start::Integer)
    2. findnext(pattern::AbstractPattern, string::String, start::Integer)

    Find the next occurrence of pattern in string starting at position start. pattern can be either a string, or a regular expression, in which case string must be of type String.

    The return value is a range of indices where the matching sequence is found, such that s[findnext(x, s, i)] == x:

    findnext("substring", string, i) == start:stop such that string[start:stop] == "substring" and i <= start, or nothing if unmatched.


    1. julia> findnext("z", "Hello to the world", 1) === nothing
    2. true
    3. julia> findnext("o", "Hello to the world", 6)
    4. 8:8
    5. julia> findnext("Lang", "JuliaLang", 2)
    6. 6:9

    Base.findnext — Method

    1. findnext(ch::AbstractChar, string::AbstractString, start::Integer)

    Find the next occurrence of character ch in string starting at position start.

    Julia 1.3

    This method requires at least Julia 1.3.


    1. julia> findnext('z', "Hello to the world", 1) === nothing
    2. true
    3. julia> findnext('o', "Hello to the world", 6)
    4. 8

    Base.findlast — Method

    1. findlast(pattern::AbstractString, string::AbstractString)

    Find the last occurrence of pattern in string. Equivalent to .


    1. julia> findlast("o", "Hello to the world")
    2. 15:15
    3. julia> findfirst("Julia", "JuliaLang")
    4. 1:5


    — Method

    1. findlast(ch::AbstractChar, string::AbstractString)

    Find the last occurrence of character ch in string.

    Julia 1.3

    This method requires at least Julia 1.3.


    1. julia> findlast('p', "happy")
    2. 4
    3. julia> findlast('z', "happy") === nothing
    4. true


    — Method

    1. findprev(pattern::AbstractString, string::AbstractString, start::Integer)

    Find the previous occurrence of pattern in string starting at position start.

    The return value is a range of indices where the matching sequence is found, such that s[findprev(x, s, i)] == x:

    findprev("substring", string, i) == start:stop such that string[start:stop] == "substring" and stop <= i, or nothing if unmatched.


    1. julia> findprev("z", "Hello to the world", 18) === nothing
    2. true
    3. julia> findprev("o", "Hello to the world", 18)
    4. 15:15
    5. julia> findprev("Julia", "JuliaLang", 6)
    6. 1:5


    — Function

    1. occursin(needle::Union{AbstractString,AbstractPattern,AbstractChar}, haystack::AbstractString)

    Determine whether the first argument is a substring of the second. If needle is a regular expression, checks whether haystack contains a match.


    1. julia> occursin("Julia", "JuliaLang is pretty cool!")
    2. true
    3. julia> occursin('a', "JuliaLang is pretty cool!")
    4. true
    5. julia> occursin(r"a.a", "aba")
    6. true
    7. julia> occursin(r"a.a", "abba")
    8. false

    See also: contains.

    1. occursin(haystack)

    Create a function that checks whether its argument occurs in haystack, i.e. a function equivalent to needle -> occursin(needle, haystack).

    The returned function is of type Base.Fix2{typeof(occursin)}.

    Julia 1.6

    This method requires Julia 1.6 or later.


    — Method

    1. reverse(s::AbstractString) -> AbstractString

    Reverses a string. Technically, this function reverses the codepoints in a string and its main utility is for reversed-order string processing, especially for reversed regular-expression searches. See also reverseind to convert indices in s to indices in reverse(s) and vice-versa, and graphemes from module Unicode to operate on user-visible “characters” (graphemes) rather than codepoints. See also for reverse-order iteration without making a copy. Custom string types must implement the reverse function themselves and should typically return a string with the same type and encoding. If they return a string with a different encoding, they must also override reverseind for that string type to satisfy s[reverseind(s,i)] == reverse(s)[i].


    1. julia> reverse("JuliaLang")
    2. "gnaLailuJ"


    The examples below may be rendered differently on different systems. The comments indicate how they’re supposed to be rendered

    Combining characters can lead to surprising results:

    1. julia> reverse("ax̂e") # hat is above x in the input, above e in the output
    2. "êxa"
    3. julia> using Unicode
    4. julia> join(reverse(collect(graphemes("ax̂e")))) # reverses graphemes; hat is above x in both in- and output
    5. "ex̂a"


    — Method

    1. replace(s::AbstractString, pat=>r; [count::Integer])

    Search for the given pattern pat in s, and replace each occurrence with r. If count is provided, replace at most count occurrences. pat may be a single character, a vector or a set of characters, a string, or a regular expression. If r is a function, each occurrence is replaced with r(s) where s is the matched substring (when pat is a AbstractPattern or AbstractString) or character (when pat is an AbstractChar or a collection of AbstractChar). If pat is a regular expression and r is a SubstitutionString, then capture group references in r are replaced with the corresponding matched text. To remove instances of pat from string, set r to the empty String ("").


    1. julia> replace("Python is a programming language.", "Python" => "Julia")
    2. "Julia is a programming language."
    3. julia> replace("The quick foxes run quickly.", "quick" => "slow", count=1)
    4. "The slow foxes run quickly."
    5. julia> replace("The quick foxes run quickly.", "quick" => "", count=1)
    6. "The foxes run quickly."
    7. julia> replace("The quick foxes run quickly.", r"fox(es)?" => s"bus\1")
    8. "The quick buses run quickly."

    Base.split — Function

    1. split(str::AbstractString, dlm; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true)
    2. split(str::AbstractString; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=false)

    Split str into an array of substrings on occurrences of the delimiter(s) dlm. dlm can be any of the formats allowed by ‘s first argument (i.e. as a string, regular expression or a function), or as a single character or collection of characters.

    If dlm is omitted, it defaults to isspace.

    The optional keyword arguments are:

    • limit: the maximum size of the result. limit=0 implies no maximum (default)
    • keepempty: whether empty fields should be kept in the result. Default is false without a dlm argument, true with a dlm argument.

    See also .


    1. julia> a = "Ma.rch"
    2. "Ma.rch"
    3. julia> split(a, ".")
    4. 2-element Vector{SubString{String}}:
    5. "Ma"
    6. "rch"


    — Function

    1. rsplit(s::AbstractString; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=false)
    2. rsplit(s::AbstractString, chars; limit::Integer=0, keepempty::Bool=true)

    Similar to split, but starting from the end of the string.


    1. julia> a = "M.a.r.c.h"
    2. "M.a.r.c.h"
    3. julia> rsplit(a, ".")
    4. 5-element Vector{SubString{String}}:
    5. "M"
    6. "a"
    7. "r"
    8. "c"
    9. "h"
    10. julia> rsplit(a, "."; limit=1)
    11. 1-element Vector{SubString{String}}:
    12. "M.a.r.c.h"
    13. julia> rsplit(a, "."; limit=2)
    14. 2-element Vector{SubString{String}}:
    15. "M.a.r.c"
    16. "h"

    Base.strip — Function

    1. strip([pred=isspace,] str::AbstractString) -> SubString
    2. strip(str::AbstractString, chars) -> SubString

    Remove leading and trailing characters from str, either those specified by chars or those for which the function pred returns true.

    The default behaviour is to remove leading whitespace and delimiters: see for precise details.

    The optional chars argument specifies which characters to remove: it can be a single character, vector or set of characters.

    Julia 1.2

    The method which accepts a predicate function requires Julia 1.2 or later.


    1. julia> strip("{3, 5}\n", ['{', '}', '\n'])
    2. "3, 5"


    — Function

    1. lstrip([pred=isspace,] str::AbstractString) -> SubString
    2. lstrip(str::AbstractString, chars) -> SubString

    Remove leading characters from str, either those specified by chars or those for which the function pred returns true.

    The default behaviour is to remove leading whitespace and delimiters: see isspace for precise details.

    The optional chars argument specifies which characters to remove: it can be a single character, or a vector or set of characters.


    1. julia> a = lpad("March", 20)
    2. " March"
    3. julia> lstrip(a)
    4. "March"

    Base.rstrip — Function

    1. rstrip([pred=isspace,] str::AbstractString) -> SubString
    2. rstrip(str::AbstractString, chars) -> SubString

    Remove trailing characters from str, either those specified by chars or those for which the function pred returns true.

    The default behaviour is to remove trailing whitespace and delimiters: see for precise details.

    The optional chars argument specifies which characters to remove: it can be a single character, or a vector or set of characters.


    1. julia> a = rpad("March", 20)
    2. "March "
    3. julia> rstrip(a)
    4. "March"


    — Function

    1. startswith(s::AbstractString, prefix::AbstractString)

    Return true if s starts with prefix. If prefix is a vector or set of characters, test whether the first character of s belongs to that set.

    See also endswith.


    1. julia> startswith("JuliaLang", "Julia")
    2. true

    1. startswith(prefix)

    Create a function that checks whether its argument starts with prefix, i.e. a function equivalent to y -> startswith(y, prefix).

    The returned function is of type Base.Fix2{typeof(startswith)}, which can be used to implement specialized methods.

    Julia 1.5

    The single argument startswith(prefix) requires at least Julia 1.5.


    1. julia> startswith_julia = startswith("Julia");
    2. julia> startswith_julia("Julia")
    3. true
    4. julia> startswith_julia("NotJulia")
    5. false


    1. startswith(s::AbstractString, prefix::Regex)

    Return true if s starts with the regex pattern, prefix.


    startswith does not compile the anchoring into the regular expression, but instead passes the anchoring as match_option to PCRE. If compile time is amortized, occursin(r"^...", s) is faster than startswith(s, r"...").

    See also and endswith.

    Julia 1.2

    This method requires at least Julia 1.2.


    1. julia> startswith("JuliaLang", r"Julia|Romeo")
    2. true

    Base.endswith — Function

    1. endswith(s::AbstractString, suffix::AbstractString)

    Return true if s ends with suffix. If suffix is a vector or set of characters, test whether the last character of s belongs to that set.

    See also .


    1. julia> endswith("Sunday", "day")
    2. true


    1. endswith(suffix)

    Create a function that checks whether its argument ends with suffix, i.e. a function equivalent to y -> endswith(y, suffix).

    The returned function is of type Base.Fix2{typeof(endswith)}, which can be used to implement specialized methods.

    Julia 1.5

    The single argument endswith(suffix) requires at least Julia 1.5.


    1. julia> endswith_julia = endswith("Julia");
    2. julia> endswith_julia("Julia")
    3. true
    4. julia> endswith_julia("JuliaLang")
    5. false

    1. endswith(s::AbstractString, suffix::Regex)

    Return true if s ends with the regex pattern, suffix.


    endswith does not compile the anchoring into the regular expression, but instead passes the anchoring as match_option to PCRE. If compile time is amortized, occursin(r"...$", s) is faster than endswith(s, r"...").

    See also occursin and .

    Julia 1.2

    This method requires at least Julia 1.2.


    1. julia> endswith("JuliaLang", r"Lang|Roberts")
    2. true


    — Function

    1. contains(haystack::AbstractString, needle)


    1. julia> contains("JuliaLang is pretty cool!", "Julia")
    2. true
    3. julia> contains("JuliaLang is pretty cool!", 'a')
    4. true
    5. julia> contains("aba", r"a.a")
    6. true
    7. false

    Julia 1.5

    The contains function requires at least Julia 1.5.


    Create a function that checks whether its argument contains needle, i.e. a function equivalent to haystack -> contains(haystack, needle).

    The returned function is of type Base.Fix2{typeof(contains)}, which can be used to implement specialized methods.

    Base.first — Method

    1. first(s::AbstractString, n::Integer)

    Get a string consisting of the first n characters of s.


    1. julia> first("∀ϵ≠0: ϵ²>0", 0)
    2. ""
    3. julia> first("∀ϵ≠0: ϵ²>0", 1)
    4. "∀"
    5. julia> first("∀ϵ≠0: ϵ²>0", 3)
    6. "∀ϵ≠"

    Base.last — Method

    1. last(s::AbstractString, n::Integer)

    Get a string consisting of the last n characters of s.


    1. julia> last("∀ϵ≠0: ϵ²>0", 0)
    2. ""
    3. julia> last("∀ϵ≠0: ϵ²>0", 1)
    4. "0"
    5. julia> last("∀ϵ≠0: ϵ²>0", 3)
    6. "²>0"

    Base.Unicode.uppercase — Function

    1. uppercase(s::AbstractString)

    Return s with all characters converted to uppercase.

    See also: , titlecase, .


    1. julia> uppercase("Julia")
    2. "JULIA"


    — Function

    1. lowercase(s::AbstractString)

    Return s with all characters converted to lowercase.

    See also: uppercase, , lowercasefirst.


    1. julia> lowercase("STRINGS AND THINGS")
    2. "strings and things"

    Base.Unicode.titlecase — Function

    1. titlecase(s::AbstractString; [wordsep::Function], strict::Bool=true) -> String

    Capitalize the first character of each word in s; if strict is true, every other character is converted to lowercase, otherwise they are left unchanged. By default, all non-letters beginning a new grapheme are considered as word separators; a predicate can be passed as the wordsep keyword to determine which characters should be considered as word separators. See also to capitalize only the first character in s.

    See also: uppercase, , uppercasefirst.


    1. julia> titlecase("the JULIA programming language")
    2. julia> titlecase("ISS - international space station", strict=false)
    3. "ISS - International Space Station"
    4. julia> titlecase("a-a b-b", wordsep = c->c==' ')
    5. "A-a B-b"

    Base.Unicode.uppercasefirst — Function

    1. uppercasefirst(s::AbstractString) -> String

    Return s with the first character converted to uppercase (technically “title case” for Unicode). See also to capitalize the first character of every word in s.

    See also: lowercasefirst, , lowercase,


    1. julia> uppercasefirst("python")
    2. "Python"


    — Function

    1. lowercasefirst(s::AbstractString)

    Return s with the first character converted to lowercase.

    See also: uppercasefirst, , lowercase,


    1. julia> lowercasefirst("Julia")
    2. "julia"


    — Function

    1. join([io::IO,] strings [, delim [, last]])

    Join an array of strings into a single string, inserting the given delimiter (if any) between adjacent strings. If last is given, it will be used instead of delim between the last two strings. If io is given, the result is written to io rather than returned as a String.

    strings can be any iterable over elements x which are convertible to strings via print(io::IOBuffer, x). strings will be printed to io.


    1. julia> join(["apples", "bananas", "pineapples"], ", ", " and ")
    2. "apples, bananas and pineapples"
    3. julia> join([1,2,3,4,5])
    4. "12345"


    — Function

    1. chop(s::AbstractString; head::Integer = 0, tail::Integer = 1)

    Remove the first head and the last tail characters from s. The call chop(s) removes the last character from s. If it is requested to remove more characters than length(s) then an empty string is returned.


    1. julia> a = "March"
    2. "March"
    3. julia> chop(a)
    4. "Marc"
    5. julia> chop(a, head = 1, tail = 2)
    6. "ar"
    7. julia> chop(a, head = 5, tail = 5)
    8. ""


    — Function

    1. chomp(s::AbstractString) -> SubString

    Remove a single trailing newline from a string.


    1. julia> chomp("Hello\n")
    2. "Hello"


    — Function

    1. thisind(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) -> Int

    If i is in bounds in s return the index of the start of the character whose encoding code unit i is part of. In other words, if i is the start of a character, return i; if i is not the start of a character, rewind until the start of a character and return that index. If i is equal to 0 or ncodeunits(s)+1 return i. In all other cases throw BoundsError.


    1. julia> thisind("α", 0)
    2. 0
    3. julia> thisind("α", 1)
    4. 1
    5. julia> thisind("α", 2)
    6. 1
    7. julia> thisind("α", 3)
    8. 3
    9. julia> thisind("α", 4)
    10. ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 2-codeunit String at index [4]
    11. [...]
    12. julia> thisind("α", -1)
    13. ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 2-codeunit String at index [-1]
    14. [...]


    — Function

    1. nextind(str::AbstractString, i::Integer, n::Integer=1) -> Int
    • Case n == 1

      If i is in bounds in s return the index of the start of the character whose encoding starts after index i. In other words, if i is the start of a character, return the start of the next character; if i is not the start of a character, move forward until the start of a character and return that index. If i is equal to 0 return 1. If i is in bounds but greater or equal to lastindex(str) return ncodeunits(str)+1. Otherwise throw BoundsError.

    • Case n > 1

      Behaves like applying n times nextind for n==1. The only difference is that if n is so large that applying nextind would reach ncodeunits(str)+1 then each remaining iteration increases the returned value by 1. This means that in this case nextind can return a value greater than ncodeunits(str)+1.

    • Case n == 0

      Return i only if i is a valid index in s or is equal to 0. Otherwise StringIndexError or BoundsError is thrown.


    1. julia> nextind("α", 0)
    2. 1
    3. julia> nextind("α", 1)
    4. 3
    5. julia> nextind("α", 3)
    6. ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 2-codeunit String at index [3]
    7. [...]
    8. julia> nextind("α", 0, 2)
    9. 3
    10. julia> nextind("α", 1, 2)
    11. 4


    — Function

    1. prevind(str::AbstractString, i::Integer, n::Integer=1) -> Int
    • Case n == 1

      If i is in bounds in s return the index of the start of the character whose encoding starts before index i. In other words, if i is the start of a character, return the start of the previous character; if i is not the start of a character, rewind until the start of a character and return that index. If i is equal to 1 return 0. If i is equal to ncodeunits(str)+1 return lastindex(str). Otherwise throw BoundsError.

    • Case n > 1

      Behaves like applying n times prevind for n==1. The only difference is that if n is so large that applying prevind would reach 0 then each remaining iteration decreases the returned value by 1. This means that in this case prevind can return a negative value.

    • Case n == 0

      Return i only if i is a valid index in str or is equal to ncodeunits(str)+1. Otherwise StringIndexError or BoundsError is thrown.


    1. julia> prevind("α", 3)
    2. 1
    3. julia> prevind("α", 1)
    4. 0
    5. julia> prevind("α", 0)
    6. ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 2-codeunit String at index [0]
    7. [...]
    8. julia> prevind("α", 2, 2)
    9. 0
    10. julia> prevind("α", 2, 3)
    11. -1


    — Function

    1. textwidth(c)

    Give the number of columns needed to print a character.


    1. julia> textwidth('α')
    2. 1
    3. julia> textwidth('⛵')
    4. 2


    1. textwidth(s::AbstractString)

    Give the number of columns needed to print a string.


    1. julia> textwidth("March")
    2. 5

    Base.isascii — Function

    1. isascii(c::Union{AbstractChar,AbstractString}) -> Bool

    Test whether a character belongs to the ASCII character set, or whether this is true for all elements of a string.


    1. julia> isascii('a')
    2. true
    3. julia> isascii('α')
    4. false
    5. julia> isascii("abc")
    6. true
    7. julia> isascii("αβγ")
    8. false

    Base.Unicode.iscntrl — Function

    1. iscntrl(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Tests whether a character is a control character. Control characters are the non-printing characters of the Latin-1 subset of Unicode.


    1. julia> iscntrl('\x01')
    2. true
    3. julia> iscntrl('a')
    4. false

    Base.Unicode.isdigit — Function

    1. isdigit(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Tests whether a character is a decimal digit (0-9).


    1. julia> isdigit('❤')
    2. false
    3. julia> isdigit('9')
    4. true
    5. julia> isdigit('α')
    6. false

    Base.Unicode.isletter — Function

    1. isletter(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Test whether a character is a letter. A character is classified as a letter if it belongs to the Unicode general category Letter, i.e. a character whose category code begins with ‘L’.


    1. julia> isletter('❤')
    2. false
    3. julia> isletter('α')
    4. true
    5. julia> isletter('9')
    6. false

    Base.Unicode.islowercase — Function

    1. islowercase(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Tests whether a character is a lowercase letter. A character is classified as lowercase if it belongs to Unicode category Ll, Letter: Lowercase.

    See also: .


    1. julia> islowercase('α')
    2. true
    3. julia> islowercase('Γ')
    4. false
    5. julia> islowercase('❤')
    6. false


    — Function

    1. isnumeric(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Tests whether a character is numeric. A character is classified as numeric if it belongs to the Unicode general category Number, i.e. a character whose category code begins with ‘N’.

    Note that this broad category includes characters such as ¾ and ௰. Use isdigit to check whether a character a decimal digit between 0 and 9.


    1. julia> isnumeric('௰')
    2. true
    3. julia> isnumeric('9')
    4. true
    5. julia> isnumeric('α')
    6. false
    7. julia> isnumeric('❤')
    8. false

    Base.Unicode.isprint — Function

    1. isprint(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Tests whether a character is printable, including spaces, but not a control character.


    1. julia> isprint('\x01')
    2. false
    3. julia> isprint('A')
    4. true

    Base.Unicode.ispunct — Function

    1. ispunct(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Tests whether a character belongs to the Unicode general category Punctuation, i.e. a character whose category code begins with ‘P’.


    1. julia> ispunct('α')
    2. false
    3. julia> ispunct('/')
    4. true
    5. julia> ispunct(';')
    6. true

    Base.Unicode.isspace — Function

    1. isspace(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Tests whether a character is any whitespace character. Includes ASCII characters ‘\t’, ‘\n’, ‘\v’, ‘\f’, ‘\r’, and ‘ ‘, Latin-1 character U+0085, and characters in Unicode category Zs.


    1. julia> isspace('\n')
    2. true
    3. julia> isspace('\r')
    4. true
    5. julia> isspace(' ')
    6. true
    7. julia> isspace('\x20')
    8. true

    Base.Unicode.isuppercase — Function

    1. isuppercase(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Tests whether a character is an uppercase letter. A character is classified as uppercase if it belongs to Unicode category Lu, Letter: Uppercase, or Lt, Letter: Titlecase.

    See also: .


    1. julia> isuppercase('γ')
    2. false
    3. julia> isuppercase('Γ')
    4. true
    5. julia> isuppercase('❤')
    6. false


    — Function

    1. isxdigit(c::AbstractChar) -> Bool

    Test whether a character is a valid hexadecimal digit. Note that this does not include x (as in the standard 0x prefix).


    1. julia> isxdigit('a')
    2. true
    3. julia> isxdigit('x')
    4. false


    — Function

    1. escape_string(str::AbstractString[, esc])::AbstractString
    2. escape_string(io, str::AbstractString[, esc::])::Nothing

    General escaping of traditional C and Unicode escape sequences. The first form returns the escaped string, the second prints the result to io.

    Backslashes (\) are escaped with a double-backslash ("\\"). Non-printable characters are escaped either with their standard C escape codes, "\0" for NUL (if unambiguous), unicode code point ("\u" prefix) or hex ("\x" prefix).

    The optional esc argument specifies any additional characters that should also be escaped by a prepending backslash (" is also escaped by default in the first form).


    1. julia> escape_string("aaa\nbbb")
    2. "aaa\\nbbb"
    3. julia> escape_string("\xfe\xff") # invalid utf-8
    4. "\\xfe\\xff"
    5. julia> escape_string(string('\u2135','\0')) # unambiguous
    6. "ℵ\\0"
    7. julia> escape_string(string('\u2135','\0','0')) # \0 would be ambiguous
    8. "ℵ\\x000"

    See also

    unescape_string for the reverse operation.

    Base.unescape_string — Function

    1. unescape_string(str::AbstractString, keep = ())::AbstractString
    2. unescape_string(io, s::AbstractString, keep = ())::Nothing

    General unescaping of traditional C and Unicode escape sequences. The first form returns the escaped string, the second prints the result to io. The argument keep specifies a collection of characters which (along with backlashes) are to be kept as they are.

    The following escape sequences are recognised:

    • Escaped backslash (\\)
    • Escaped double-quote (\")
    • Standard C escape sequences (\a, \b, \t, \n, \v, \f, \r, \e)
    • Unicode BMP code points (\u with 1-4 trailing hex digits)
    • All Unicode code points (\U with 1-8 trailing hex digits; max value = 0010ffff)
    • Hex bytes (\x with 1-2 trailing hex digits)
    • Octal bytes (\ with 1-3 trailing octal digits)


    See also

