
Both and DateTime are basically immutable wrappers. The single instant field of either type is actually a UTInstant{P} type, which represents a continuously increasing machine timeline based on the UT second [1]. The type is not aware of time zones (naive, in Python parlance), analogous to a LocalDateTime in Java 8. Additional time zone functionality can be added through the TimeZones.jl package, which compiles the . Both Date and are based on the ISO 8601 standard, which follows the proleptic Gregorian calendar. One note is that the ISO 8601 standard is particular about BC/BCE dates. In general, the last day of the BC/BCE era, 1-12-31 BC/BCE, was followed by 1-1-1 AD/CE, thus no year zero exists. The ISO standard, however, states that 1 BC/BCE is year zero, so 0000-12-31 is the day before 0001-01-01, and year -0001 (yes, negative one for the year) is 2 BC/BCE, year -0002 is 3 BC/BCE, etc.

and DateTime types can be constructed by integer or types, by parsing, or through adjusters (more on those later):

Date or parsing is accomplished by the use of format strings. Format strings work by the notion of defining delimited or fixed-width “slots” that contain a period to parse and passing the text to parse and format string to a Date or constructor, of the form Date("2015-01-01","y-m-d") or DateTime("20150101","yyyymmdd").

Delimited slots are marked by specifying the delimiter the parser should expect between two subsequent periods; so "y-m-d" lets the parser know that between the first and second slots in a date string like "2014-07-16", it should find the - character. The y, m, and d characters let the parser know which periods to parse in each slot.

Fixed-width slots are specified by repeating the period character the number of times corresponding to the width with no delimiter between characters. So "yyyymmdd" would correspond to a date string like "20140716". The parser distinguishes a fixed-width slot by the absence of a delimiter, noting the transition "yyyymm" from one period character to the next.

Support for text-form month parsing is also supported through the u and U characters, for abbreviated and full-length month names, respectively. By default, only English month names are supported, so u corresponds to “Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, etc. And U corresponds to “January”, “February”, “March”, etc. Similar to other name=>value mapping functions dayname and , custom locales can be loaded by passing in the locale=>Dict{String,Int} mapping to the MONTHTOVALUEABBR and MONTHTOVALUE dicts for abbreviated and full-name month names, respectively.

One note on parsing performance: using the Date(date_string,format_string) function is fine if only called a few times. If there are many similarly formatted date strings to parse however, it is much more efficient to first create a Dates.DateFormat, and pass it instead of a raw format string.

  1. julia> df = DateFormat("y-m-d");
  2. julia> dt = Date("2015-01-01",df)
  3. 2015-01-01
  4. julia> dt2 = Date("2015-01-02",df)
  5. 2015-01-02

You can also use the dateformat"" string macro. This macro creates the DateFormat object once when the macro is expanded and uses the same DateFormat object even if a code snippet is run multiple times.

  1. julia> for i = 1:10^5
  2. Date("2015-01-01", dateformat"y-m-d")
  3. end

A full suite of parsing and formatting tests and examples is available in .

Finding the length of time between two Date or is straightforward given their underlying representation as UTInstant{Day} and UTInstant{Millisecond}, respectively. The difference between Date is returned in the number of , and DateTime in the number of . Similarly, comparing TimeType is a simple matter of comparing the underlying machine instants (which in turn compares the internal values).

  1. julia> dt = Date(2012,2,29)
  2. 2012-02-29
  3. julia> dt2 = Date(2000,2,1)
  4. 2000-02-01
  5. julia> dump(dt)
  6. Date
  7. instant: Dates.UTInstant{Day}
  8. periods: Day
  9. value: Int64 734562
  10. julia> dump(dt2)
  11. Date
  12. instant: Dates.UTInstant{Day}
  13. periods: Day
  14. value: Int64 730151
  15. julia> dt > dt2
  16. true
  17. julia> dt != dt2
  18. true
  19. julia> dt + dt2
  20. ERROR: MethodError: no method matching +(::Date, ::Date)
  21. [...]
  22. julia> dt * dt2
  23. ERROR: MethodError: no method matching *(::Date, ::Date)
  24. [...]
  25. julia> dt / dt2
  26. ERROR: MethodError: no method matching /(::Date, ::Date)
  27. julia> dt - dt2
  28. 4411 days
  29. julia> dt2 - dt
  30. -4411 days
  31. julia> dt = DateTime(2012,2,29)
  32. 2012-02-29T00:00:00
  33. julia> dt2 = DateTime(2000,2,1)
  34. 2000-02-01T00:00:00
  35. julia> dt - dt2
  36. 381110400000 milliseconds

Because the Date and types are stored as single Int64 values, date parts or fields can be retrieved through accessor functions. The lowercase accessors return the field as an integer:

  1. julia> t = Date(2014, 1, 31)
  2. 2014-01-31
  3. julia> Dates.year(t)
  4. 2014
  5. julia> Dates.month(t)
  6. 1
  7. julia> Dates.week(t)
  8. 5
  9. julia>
  10. 31

While propercase return the same value in the corresponding type:

  1. julia> Dates.Year(t)
  2. 2014 years
  3. julia> Dates.Day(t)
  4. 31 days

Compound methods are provided because it is more efficient to access multiple fields at the same time than individually:

  1. julia> Dates.yearmonth(t)
  2. (2014, 1)
  3. julia> Dates.monthday(t)
  4. (1, 31)
  5. julia> Dates.yearmonthday(t)
  6. (2014, 1, 31)

One may also access the underlying UTInstant or integer value:

  1. julia> dump(t)
  2. Date
  3. instant: Dates.UTInstant{Day}
  4. periods: Day
  5. value: Int64 735264
  6. julia> t.instant
  7. Dates.UTInstant{Day}(Day(735264))
  8. julia> Dates.value(t)
  9. 735264

Query functions provide calendrical information about a TimeType. They include information about the day of the week:

  1. julia> t = Date(2014, 1, 31)
  2. 2014-01-31
  3. julia> Dates.dayofweek(t)
  4. 5
  5. julia> Dates.dayname(t)
  6. "Friday"
  7. julia> Dates.dayofweekofmonth(t) # 5th Friday of January
  8. 5

Month of the year:

  1. julia> Dates.monthname(t)
  2. "January"
  3. julia> Dates.daysinmonth(t)
  4. 31

As well as information about the ‘s year and quarter:

  1. julia> Dates.isleapyear(t)
  2. false
  3. julia> Dates.dayofyear(t)
  4. 31
  5. julia> Dates.quarterofyear(t)
  6. 1
  7. julia> Dates.dayofquarter(t)
  8. 31

The dayname and methods can also take an optional locale keyword that can be used to return the name of the day or month of the year for other languages/locales. There are also versions of these functions returning the abbreviated names, namely dayabbr and . First the mapping is loaded into the LOCALES variable:

  1. julia> french_months = ["janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",
  2. "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "décembre"];
  3. julia> french_monts_abbrev = ["janv","févr","mars","avril","mai","juin",
  4. "juil","août","sept","oct","nov","déc"];
  5. julia> french_days = ["lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi","dimanche"];
  6. julia> Dates.LOCALES["french"] = Dates.DateLocale(french_months, french_monts_abbrev, french_days, [""]);

The above mentioned functions can then be used to perform the queries:

  1. julia> Dates.dayname(t;locale="french")
  2. "vendredi"
  3. julia> Dates.monthname(t;locale="french")
  4. "janvier"
  5. julia> Dates.monthabbr(t;locale="french")
  6. "janv"

Since the abbreviated versions of the days are not loaded, trying to use the function dayabbr will error.

  1. julia> Dates.dayabbr(t;locale="french")
  2. ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 1-element Vector{String} at index [5]
  3. Stacktrace:
  4. [...]

It’s good practice when using any language/date framework to be familiar with how date-period arithmetic is handled as there are some tricky issues to deal with (though much less so for day-precision types).

The Dates module approach tries to follow the simple principle of trying to change as little as possible when doing arithmetic. This approach is also often known as calendrical arithmetic or what you would probably guess if someone were to ask you the same calculation in a conversation. Why all the fuss about this? Let’s take a classic example: add 1 month to January 31st, 2014. What’s the answer? Javascript will say March 3 (assumes 31 days). PHP says (assumes 30 days). The fact is, there is no right answer. In the Dates module, it gives the result of February 28th. How does it figure that out? Consider the classic 7-7-7 gambling game in casinos.

Now just imagine that instead of 7-7-7, the slots are Year-Month-Day, or in our example, 2014-01-31. When you ask to add 1 month to this date, the month slot is incremented, so now we have 2014-02-31. Then the day number is checked if it is greater than the last valid day of the new month; if it is (as in the case above), the day number is adjusted down to the last valid day (28). What are the ramifications with this approach? Go ahead and add another month to our date, 2014-02-28 + Month(1) == 2014-03-28. What? Were you expecting the last day of March? Nope, sorry, remember the 7-7-7 slots. As few slots as possible are going to change, so we first increment the month slot by 1, 2014-03-28, and boom, we’re done because that’s a valid date. On the other hand, if we were to add 2 months to our original date, 2014-01-31, then we end up with 2014-03-31, as expected. The other ramification of this approach is a loss in associativity when a specific ordering is forced (i.e. adding things in different orders results in different outcomes). For example:

  1. julia> (Date(2014,1,29)+Dates.Day(1)) + Dates.Month(1)
  2. 2014-02-28
  3. julia> (Date(2014,1,29)+Dates.Month(1)) + Dates.Day(1)
  4. 2014-03-01

What’s going on there? In the first line, we’re adding 1 day to January 29th, which results in 2014-01-30; then we add 1 month, so we get 2014-02-30, which then adjusts down to 2014-02-28. In the second example, we add 1 month first, where we get 2014-02-29, which adjusts down to 2014-02-28, and then add 1 day, which results in 2014-03-01. One design principle that helps in this case is that, in the presence of multiple Periods, the operations will be ordered by the Periods’ types, not their value or positional order; this means Year will always be added first, then Month, then Week, etc. Hence the following does result in associativity and Just Works:

  1. julia> Date(2014,1,29) + Dates.Day(1) + Dates.Month(1)
  2. 2014-03-01
  3. julia> Date(2014,1,29) + Dates.Month(1) + Dates.Day(1)
  4. 2014-03-01

Tricky? Perhaps. What is an innocent Dates user to do? The bottom line is to be aware that explicitly forcing a certain associativity, when dealing with months, may lead to some unexpected results, but otherwise, everything should work as expected. Thankfully, that’s pretty much the extent of the odd cases in date-period arithmetic when dealing with time in UT (avoiding the “joys” of dealing with daylight savings, leap seconds, etc.).

As a bonus, all period arithmetic objects work directly with ranges:

  1. julia> dr = Date(2014,1,29):Day(1):Date(2014,2,3)
  2. Date("2014-01-29"):Day(1):Date("2014-02-03")
  3. julia> collect(dr)
  4. 6-element Vector{Date}:
  5. 2014-01-29
  6. 2014-01-30
  7. 2014-01-31
  8. 2014-02-01
  9. 2014-02-02
  10. 2014-02-03
  11. julia> dr = Date(2014,1,29):Dates.Month(1):Date(2014,07,29)
  12. Date("2014-01-29"):Month(1):Date("2014-07-29")
  13. julia> collect(dr)
  14. 7-element Vector{Date}:
  15. 2014-01-29
  16. 2014-02-28
  17. 2014-03-29
  18. 2014-04-29
  19. 2014-05-29
  20. 2014-07-29

As convenient as date-period arithmetic is, often the kinds of calculations needed on dates take on a calendrical or temporal nature rather than a fixed number of periods. Holidays are a perfect example; most follow rules such as “Memorial Day = Last Monday of May”, or “Thanksgiving = 4th Thursday of November”. These kinds of temporal expressions deal with rules relative to the calendar, like first or last of the month, next Tuesday, or the first and third Wednesdays, etc.

The Dates module provides the adjuster API through several convenient methods that aid in simply and succinctly expressing temporal rules. The first group of adjuster methods deal with the first and last of weeks, months, quarters, and years. They each take a single TimeType as input and return or adjust to the first or last of the desired period relative to the input.

  1. julia> Dates.firstdayofweek(Date(2014,7,16)) # Adjusts the input to the Monday of the input's week
  2. 2014-07-14
  3. julia> Dates.lastdayofmonth(Date(2014,7,16)) # Adjusts to the last day of the input's month
  4. 2014-07-31
  5. julia> Dates.lastdayofquarter(Date(2014,7,16)) # Adjusts to the last day of the input's quarter
  6. 2014-09-30

The next two higher-order methods, , and toprev, generalize working with temporal expressions by taking a DateFunction as first argument, along with a starting . A DateFunction is just a function, usually anonymous, that takes a single TimeType as input and returns a , true indicating a satisfied adjustment criterion. For example:

  1. julia> istuesday = x->Dates.dayofweek(x) == Dates.Tuesday; # Returns true if the day of the week of x is Tuesday
  2. julia> Dates.tonext(istuesday, Date(2014,7,13)) # 2014-07-13 is a Sunday
  3. 2014-07-15
  4. julia> Dates.tonext(Date(2014,7,13), Dates.Tuesday) # Convenience method provided for day of the week adjustments
  5. 2014-07-15

This is useful with the do-block syntax for more complex temporal expressions:

  1. julia> Dates.tonext(Date(2014,7,13)) do x
  2. # Return true on the 4th Thursday of November (Thanksgiving)
  3. Dates.dayofweek(x) == Dates.Thursday &&
  4. Dates.dayofweekofmonth(x) == 4 &&
  5. Dates.month(x) == Dates.November
  6. end
  7. 2014-11-27

The Base.filter method can be used to obtain all valid dates/moments in a specified range:

  1. # Pittsburgh street cleaning; Every 2nd Tuesday from April to November
  2. # Date range from January 1st, 2014 to January 1st, 2015
  3. julia> dr = Dates.Date(2014):Day(1):Dates.Date(2015);
  4. julia> filter(dr) do x
  5. Dates.dayofweek(x) == Dates.Tue &&
  6. Dates.April <= Dates.month(x) <= Dates.Nov &&
  7. Dates.dayofweekofmonth(x) == 2
  8. end
  9. 8-element Vector{Date}:
  10. 2014-04-08
  11. 2014-05-13
  12. 2014-06-10
  13. 2014-07-08
  14. 2014-08-12
  15. 2014-09-09
  16. 2014-10-14
  17. 2014-11-11

Additional examples and tests are available in .

Periods are a human view of discrete, sometimes irregular durations of time. Consider 1 month; it could represent, in days, a value of 28, 29, 30, or 31 depending on the year and month context. Or a year could represent 365 or 366 days in the case of a leap year. Period types are simple wrappers and are constructed by wrapping any Int64 convertible type, i.e. Year(1) or Month(3.0). Arithmetic between Period of the same type behave like integers, and limited Period-Real arithmetic is available. You can extract the underlying integer with .

  1. julia> y1 = Dates.Year(1)
  2. 1 year
  3. julia> y2 = Dates.Year(2)
  4. 2 years
  5. julia> y3 = Dates.Year(10)
  6. 10 years
  7. julia> y1 + y2
  8. 3 years
  9. julia> div(y3,y2)
  10. 5
  11. julia> y3 - y2
  12. 8 years
  13. julia> y3 % y2
  14. 0 years
  15. julia> div(y3,3) # mirrors integer division
  16. 3 years
  17. julia> Dates.value(Dates.Millisecond(10))
  18. 10

Date and values can be rounded to a specified resolution (e.g., 1 month or 15 minutes) with floor, , or round:

  1. julia> floor(Date(1985, 8, 16), Dates.Month)
  2. 1985-08-01
  3. julia> ceil(DateTime(2013, 2, 13, 0, 31, 20), Dates.Minute(15))
  4. 2013-02-13T00:45:00
  5. julia> round(DateTime(2016, 8, 6, 20, 15), Dates.Day)
  6. 2016-08-07T00:00:00

Unlike the numeric method, which breaks ties toward the even number by default, the TimeType method uses the RoundNearestTiesUp rounding mode. (It’s difficult to guess what breaking ties to nearest “even” TimeType would entail.) Further details on the available RoundingMode s can be found in the .

Rounding should generally behave as expected, but there are a few cases in which the expected behaviour is not obvious.

In many cases, the resolution specified for rounding (e.g., Dates.Second(30)) divides evenly into the next largest period (in this case, Dates.Minute(1)). But rounding behaviour in cases in which this is not true may lead to confusion. What is the expected result of rounding a DateTime to the nearest 10 hours?

  1. julia> round(DateTime(2016, 7, 17, 11, 55), Dates.Hour(10))
  2. 2016-07-17T12:00:00

That may seem confusing, given that the hour (12) is not divisible by 10. The reason that 2016-07-17T12:00:00 was chosen is that it is 17,676,660 hours after 0000-01-01T00:00:00, and 17,676,660 is divisible by 10.

As Julia and DateTime values are represented according to the ISO 8601 standard, 0000-01-01T00:00:00 was chosen as base (or “rounding epoch”) from which to begin the count of days (and milliseconds) used in rounding calculations. (Note that this differs slightly from Julia’s internal representation of s using Rata Die notation; but since the ISO 8601 standard is most visible to the end user, 0000-01-01T00:00:00 was chosen as the rounding epoch instead of the 0000-12-31T00:00:00 used internally to minimize confusion.)

The only exception to the use of 0000-01-01T00:00:00 as the rounding epoch is when rounding to weeks. Rounding to the nearest week will always return a Monday (the first day of the week as specified by ISO 8601). For this reason, we use 0000-01-03T00:00:00 (the first day of the first week of year 0000, as defined by ISO 8601) as the base when rounding to a number of weeks.

Here is a related case in which the expected behaviour is not necessarily obvious: What happens when we round to the nearest P(2), where P is a Period type? In some cases (specifically, when P <: Dates.TimePeriod) the answer is clear:

  1. julia> round(DateTime(2016, 7, 17, 8, 55, 30), Dates.Hour(2))
  2. 2016-07-17T08:00:00
  3. julia> round(DateTime(2016, 7, 17, 8, 55, 30), Dates.Minute(2))
  4. 2016-07-17T08:56:00

This seems obvious, because two of each of these periods still divides evenly into the next larger order period. But in the case of two months (which still divides evenly into one year), the answer may be surprising:

  1. julia> round(DateTime(2016, 7, 17, 8, 55, 30), Dates.Month(2))
  2. 2016-07-01T00:00:00

Why round to the first day in July, even though it is month 7 (an odd number)? The key is that months are 1-indexed (the first month is assigned 1), unlike hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds (the first of which are assigned 0).

This means that rounding a to an even multiple of seconds, minutes, hours, or years (because the ISO 8601 specification includes a year zero) will result in a DateTime with an even value in that field, while rounding a to an even multiple of months will result in the months field having an odd value. Because both months and years may contain an irregular number of days, whether rounding to an even number of days will result in an even value in the days field is uncertain.

See the API reference for additional information on methods exported from the Dates module.

API reference

Dates and Time Types

— Type

  1. Period
  2. Year
  3. Quarter
  4. Month
  5. Week
  6. Day
  7. Hour
  8. Minute
  9. Second
  10. Millisecond
  11. Microsecond
  12. Nanosecond

Period types represent discrete, human representations of time.


— Type

  1. CompoundPeriod

A CompoundPeriod is useful for expressing time periods that are not a fixed multiple of smaller periods. For example, “a year and a day” is not a fixed number of days, but can be expressed using a CompoundPeriod. In fact, a CompoundPeriod is automatically generated by addition of different period types, e.g. Year(1) + Day(1) produces a CompoundPeriod result.


— Type

  1. Instant

Instant types represent integer-based, machine representations of time as continuous timelines starting from an epoch.


— Type

  1. UTInstant{T}

The UTInstant represents a machine timeline based on UT time (1 day = one revolution of the earth). The T is a Period parameter that indicates the resolution or precision of the instant.


— Type

TimeType types wrap Instant machine instances to provide human representations of the machine instant. Time, DateTime and Date are subtypes of TimeType.


— Type

  1. DateTime

DateTime wraps a UTInstant{Millisecond} and interprets it according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.


— Type

  1. Date

Date wraps a UTInstant{Day} and interprets it according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.


— Type

  1. Time

Time wraps a Nanosecond and represents a specific moment in a 24-hour day.


— Type

  1. TimeZone

Geographic zone generally based on longitude determining what the time is at a certain location. Some time zones observe daylight savings (eg EST -> EDT). For implementations and more support, see the TimeZones.jl package

Dates.UTC — Type

  1. UTC

UTC, or Coordinated Universal Time, is the from which all others are measured. It is associated with the time at 0° longitude. It is not adjusted for daylight savings.


— Method

  1. DateTime(y, [m, d, h, mi, s, ms]) -> DateTime

Construct a DateTime type by parts. Arguments must be convertible to Int64.

Dates.DateTime — Method

  1. DateTime(periods::Period...) -> DateTime

Construct a DateTime type by Period type parts. Arguments may be in any order. DateTime parts not provided will default to the value of Dates.default(period).

Dates.DateTime — Method

  1. DateTime(f::Function, y[, m, d, h, mi, s]; step=Day(1), limit=10000) -> DateTime

Create a DateTime through the adjuster API. The starting point will be constructed from the provided y, m, d... arguments, and will be adjusted until f::Function returns true. The step size in adjusting can be provided manually through the step keyword. limit provides a limit to the max number of iterations the adjustment API will pursue before throwing an error (in the case that f::Function is never satisfied).


  1. julia> DateTime(dt -> Dates.second(dt) == 40, 2010, 10, 20, 10; step = Dates.Second(1))
  2. 2010-10-20T10:00:40
  3. julia> DateTime(dt -> Dates.hour(dt) == 20, 2010, 10, 20, 10; step = Dates.Hour(1), limit = 5)
  4. ERROR: ArgumentError: Adjustment limit reached: 5 iterations
  5. Stacktrace:
  6. [...]

Dates.DateTime — Method

  1. DateTime(dt::Date) -> DateTime

Convert a Date to a DateTime. The hour, minute, second, and millisecond parts of the new DateTime are assumed to be zero.

Dates.DateTime — Method

  1. DateTime(dt::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") -> DateTime

Construct a DateTime by parsing the dt date time string following the pattern given in the format string (see for syntax).

This method creates a DateFormat object each time it is called. If you are parsing many date time strings of the same format, consider creating a DateFormat object once and using that as the second argument instead.

Dates.format — Method

  1. format(dt::TimeType, format::AbstractString; locale="english") -> AbstractString

Construct a string by using a TimeType object and applying the provided format. The following character codes can be used to construct the format string:

The number of sequential code characters indicate the width of the code. A format of yyyy-mm specifies that the code y should have a width of four while m a width of two. Codes that yield numeric digits have an associated mode: fixed-width or minimum-width. The fixed-width mode left-pads the value with zeros when it is shorter than the specified width and truncates the value when longer. Minimum-width mode works the same as fixed-width except that it does not truncate values longer than the width.

When creating a format you can use any non-code characters as a separator. For example to generate the string “1996-01-15T00:00:00” you could use format: “yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS”. Note that if you need to use a code character as a literal you can use the escape character backslash. The string “1996y01m” can be produced with the format “yyyy\ymm\m”.

Dates.DateFormat — Type

  1. DateFormat(format::AbstractString, locale="english") -> DateFormat

Construct a date formatting object that can be used for parsing date strings or formatting a date object as a string. The following character codes can be used to construct the format string:

Characters not listed above are normally treated as delimiters between date and time slots. For example a dt string of “1996-01-15T00:00:00.0” would have a format string like “y-m-dTH:M:S.s”. If you need to use a code character as a delimiter you can escape it using backslash. The date “1995y01m” would have the format “y\ym\m”.

Note that 12:00AM corresponds 00:00 (midnight), and 12:00PM corresponds to 12:00 (noon). When parsing a time with a p specifier, any hour (either H or I) is interpreted as as a 12-hour clock, so the I code is mainly useful for output.

Creating a DateFormat object is expensive. Whenever possible, create it once and use it many times or try the dateformat"" string macro. Using this macro creates the DateFormat object once at macro expansion time and reuses it later. see .

See DateTime and for how to use a DateFormat object to parse and write Date strings respectively.


— Macro

  1. dateformat"Y-m-d H:M:S"

Create a DateFormat object. Similar to DateFormat("Y-m-d H:M:S") but creates the DateFormat object once during macro expansion.

See for details about format specifiers.


— Method

  1. DateTime(dt::AbstractString, df::DateFormat=ISODateTimeFormat) -> DateTime

Construct a DateTime by parsing the dt date time string following the pattern given in the DateFormat object, or dateformat”yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.s” if omitted.

Similar to DateTime(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString) but more efficient when repeatedly parsing similarly formatted date time strings with a pre-created DateFormat object.

Dates.Date — Method

  1. Date(y, [m, d]) -> Date

Construct a Date type by parts. Arguments must be convertible to .


— Method

  1. Date(period::Period...) -> Date

Construct a Date type by Period type parts. Arguments may be in any order. Date parts not provided will default to the value of Dates.default(period).


— Method

  1. Date(f::Function, y[, m, d]; step=Day(1), limit=10000) -> Date

Create a Date through the adjuster API. The starting point will be constructed from the provided y, m, d arguments, and will be adjusted until f::Function returns true. The step size in adjusting can be provided manually through the step keyword. limit provides a limit to the max number of iterations the adjustment API will pursue before throwing an error (given that f::Function is never satisfied).


  1. julia> Date(date -> Dates.week(date) == 20, 2010, 01, 01)
  2. 2010-05-17
  3. julia> Date(date -> Dates.year(date) == 2010, 2000, 01, 01)
  4. 2010-01-01
  5. julia> Date(date -> Dates.month(date) == 10, 2000, 01, 01; limit = 5)
  6. ERROR: ArgumentError: Adjustment limit reached: 5 iterations
  7. Stacktrace:
  8. [...]


— Method

  1. Date(dt::DateTime) -> Date

Convert a DateTime to a Date. The hour, minute, second, and millisecond parts of the DateTime are truncated, so only the year, month and day parts are used in construction.


— Method

  1. Date(d::AbstractString, format::AbstractString; locale="english") -> Date

Construct a Date by parsing the d date string following the pattern given in the format string (see DateFormat for syntax).

This method creates a DateFormat object each time it is called. If you are parsing many date strings of the same format, consider creating a object once and using that as the second argument instead.


— Method

  1. Date(d::AbstractString, df::DateFormat=ISODateFormat) -> Date

Construct a Date by parsing the d date string following the pattern given in the DateFormat object, or dateformat”yyyy-mm-dd” if omitted.

Similar to Date(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString) but more efficient when repeatedly parsing similarly formatted date strings with a pre-created DateFormat object.

Dates.Time — Method

  1. Time(h, [mi, s, ms, us, ns]) -> Time

Construct a Time type by parts. Arguments must be convertible to .


— Method

  1. Time(period::TimePeriod...) -> Time

Construct a Time type by Period type parts. Arguments may be in any order. Time parts not provided will default to the value of Dates.default(period).


— Method

  1. Time(f::Function, h, mi=0; step::Period=Second(1), limit::Int=10000)
  2. Time(f::Function, h, mi, s; step::Period=Millisecond(1), limit::Int=10000)
  3. Time(f::Function, h, mi, s, ms; step::Period=Microsecond(1), limit::Int=10000)
  4. Time(f::Function, h, mi, s, ms, us; step::Period=Nanosecond(1), limit::Int=10000)

Create a Time through the adjuster API. The starting point will be constructed from the provided h, mi, s, ms, us arguments, and will be adjusted until f::Function returns true. The step size in adjusting can be provided manually through the step keyword. limit provides a limit to the max number of iterations the adjustment API will pursue before throwing an error (in the case that f::Function is never satisfied). Note that the default step will adjust to allow for greater precision for the given arguments; i.e. if hour, minute, and second arguments are provided, the default step will be Millisecond(1) instead of Second(1).


— Method

  1. Time(dt::DateTime) -> Time

Convert a DateTime to a Time. The hour, minute, second, and millisecond parts of the DateTime are used to create the new Time. Microsecond and nanoseconds are zero by default.


— Method

  1. now() -> DateTime

Return a DateTime corresponding to the user’s system time including the system timezone locale.


— Method

  1. now(::Type{UTC}) -> DateTime

Return a DateTime corresponding to the user’s system time as UTC/GMT.


— Method

  1. eps(::Type{DateTime}) -> Millisecond
  2. eps(::Type{Date}) -> Day
  3. eps(::Type{Time}) -> Nanosecond
  4. eps(::TimeType) -> Period

Return the smallest unit value supported by the TimeType.


  1. julia> eps(DateTime)
  2. 1 millisecond
  3. julia> eps(Date)
  4. 1 day
  5. julia> eps(Time)
  6. 1 nanosecond


Accessor Functions

— Function

  1. year(dt::TimeType) -> Int64

The year of a Date or DateTime as an Int64.

Dates.month — Function

  1. month(dt::TimeType) -> Int64

The month of a Date or DateTime as an .


— Function

  1. week(dt::TimeType) -> Int64

Return the ISO week date of a Date or DateTime as an . Note that the first week of a year is the week that contains the first Thursday of the year, which can result in dates prior to January 4th being in the last week of the previous year. For example, week(Date(2005, 1, 1)) is the 53rd week of 2004.


  1. julia> Dates.week(Date(1989, 6, 22))
  2. 25
  3. julia> Dates.week(Date(2005, 1, 1))
  4. 53
  5. julia> Dates.week(Date(2004, 12, 31))
  6. 53


— Function

  1. day(dt::TimeType) -> Int64

The day of month of a Date or DateTime as an Int64.

Dates.hour — Function

  1. hour(dt::DateTime) -> Int64

The hour of day of a DateTime as an .


  1. hour(t::Time) -> Int64

The hour of a Time as an .


— Function

  1. minute(dt::DateTime) -> Int64

The minute of a DateTime as an Int64.

  1. minute(t::Time) -> Int64

The minute of a Time as an Int64.

Dates.second — Function

  1. second(dt::DateTime) -> Int64

The second of a DateTime as an .


  1. second(t::Time) -> Int64

The second of a Time as an .


— Function

  1. millisecond(dt::DateTime) -> Int64

The millisecond of a DateTime as an Int64.

  1. millisecond(t::Time) -> Int64

The millisecond of a Time as an Int64.

Dates.microsecond — Function

  1. microsecond(t::Time) -> Int64

The microsecond of a Time as an .


— Function

  1. nanosecond(t::Time) -> Int64

The nanosecond of a Time as an Int64.

Dates.Year — Method

  1. Year(v)

Construct a Year object with the given v value. Input must be losslessly convertible to an .


— Method

  1. Month(v)

Construct a Month object with the given v value. Input must be losslessly convertible to an Int64.

Dates.Week — Method

  1. Week(v)

Construct a Week object with the given v value. Input must be losslessly convertible to an .


— Method

  1. Day(v)

Construct a Day object with the given v value. Input must be losslessly convertible to an Int64.

Dates.Hour — Method

  1. Hour(dt::DateTime) -> Hour

The hour part of a DateTime as a Hour.

Dates.Minute — Method

  1. Minute(dt::DateTime) -> Minute

The minute part of a DateTime as a Minute.

Dates.Second — Method

  1. Second(dt::DateTime) -> Second

The second part of a DateTime as a Second.

Dates.Millisecond — Method

  1. Millisecond(dt::DateTime) -> Millisecond

The millisecond part of a DateTime as a Millisecond.

Dates.Microsecond — Method

  1. Microsecond(dt::Time) -> Microsecond

The microsecond part of a Time as a Microsecond.

Dates.Nanosecond — Method

  1. Nanosecond(dt::Time) -> Nanosecond

The nanosecond part of a Time as a Nanosecond.

Dates.yearmonth — Function

  1. yearmonth(dt::TimeType) -> (Int64, Int64)

Simultaneously return the year and month parts of a Date or DateTime.

Dates.monthday — Function

  1. monthday(dt::TimeType) -> (Int64, Int64)

Simultaneously return the month and day parts of a Date or DateTime.

Dates.yearmonthday — Function

  1. yearmonthday(dt::TimeType) -> (Int64, Int64, Int64)

Simultaneously return the year, month and day parts of a Date or DateTime.

Dates.dayname — Function

  1. dayname(dt::TimeType; locale="english") -> String
  2. dayname(day::Integer; locale="english") -> String

Return the full day name corresponding to the day of the week of the Date or DateTime in the given locale. Also accepts Integer.


  1. julia> Dates.dayname(Date("2000-01-01"))
  2. julia> Dates.dayname(4)
  3. "Thursday"

Dates.dayabbr — Function

  1. dayabbr(dt::TimeType; locale="english") -> String
  2. dayabbr(day::Integer; locale="english") -> String

Return the abbreviated name corresponding to the day of the week of the Date or DateTime in the given locale. Also accepts Integer.


  1. julia> Dates.dayabbr(Date("2000-01-01"))
  2. "Sat"
  3. julia> Dates.dayabbr(3)
  4. "Wed"

Dates.dayofweek — Function

  1. dayofweek(dt::TimeType) -> Int64

Return the day of the week as an with 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc..


  1. julia> Dates.dayofweek(Date("2000-01-01"))
  2. 6


— Function

  1. dayofmonth(dt::TimeType) -> Int64

The day of month of a Date or DateTime as an Int64.

Dates.dayofweekofmonth — Function

  1. dayofweekofmonth(dt::TimeType) -> Int

For the day of week of dt, return which number it is in dt‘s month. So if the day of the week of dt is Monday, then 1 = First Monday of the month, 2 = Second Monday of the month, etc. In the range 1:5.


  1. julia> Dates.dayofweekofmonth(Date("2000-02-01"))
  2. 1
  3. julia> Dates.dayofweekofmonth(Date("2000-02-08"))
  4. 2
  5. julia> Dates.dayofweekofmonth(Date("2000-02-15"))
  6. 3

Dates.daysofweekinmonth — Function

  1. daysofweekinmonth(dt::TimeType) -> Int

For the day of week of dt, return the total number of that day of the week in dt‘s month. Returns 4 or 5. Useful in temporal expressions for specifying the last day of a week in a month by including dayofweekofmonth(dt) == daysofweekinmonth(dt) in the adjuster function.


  1. julia> Dates.daysofweekinmonth(Date("2005-01-01"))
  2. 5
  3. julia> Dates.daysofweekinmonth(Date("2005-01-04"))
  4. 4

Dates.monthname — Function

  1. monthname(dt::TimeType; locale="english") -> String
  2. monthname(month::Integer, locale="english") -> String

Return the full name of the month of the Date or DateTime or Integer in the given locale.


  1. julia> Dates.monthname(Date("2005-01-04"))
  2. "January"
  3. julia> Dates.monthname(2)
  4. "February"

Dates.monthabbr — Function

  1. monthabbr(dt::TimeType; locale="english") -> String
  2. monthabbr(month::Integer, locale="english") -> String

Return the abbreviated month name of the Date or DateTime or Integer in the given locale.


  1. julia> Dates.monthabbr(Date("2005-01-04"))
  2. "Jan"
  3. julia> monthabbr(2)
  4. "Feb"

Dates.daysinmonth — Function

  1. daysinmonth(dt::TimeType) -> Int

Return the number of days in the month of dt. Value will be 28, 29, 30, or 31.


  1. julia> Dates.daysinmonth(Date("2000-01"))
  2. 31
  3. julia> Dates.daysinmonth(Date("2001-02"))
  4. 28
  5. julia> Dates.daysinmonth(Date("2000-02"))
  6. 29

Dates.isleapyear — Function

  1. isleapyear(dt::TimeType) -> Bool

Return true if the year of dt is a leap year.


  1. julia> Dates.isleapyear(Date("2004"))
  2. true
  3. julia> Dates.isleapyear(Date("2005"))
  4. false

Dates.dayofyear — Function

Return the day of the year for dt with January 1st being day 1.

Dates.daysinyear — Function

  1. daysinyear(dt::TimeType) -> Int

Return 366 if the year of dt is a leap year, otherwise return 365.


  1. julia> Dates.daysinyear(1999)
  2. 365
  3. julia> Dates.daysinyear(2000)
  4. 366

Dates.quarterofyear — Function

Return the quarter that dt resides in. Range of value is 1:4.

  1. dayofquarter(dt::TimeType) -> Int

Return the day of the current quarter of dt. Range of value is 1:92.


Adjuster Functions

— Method

  1. trunc(dt::TimeType, ::Type{Period}) -> TimeType

Truncates the value of dt according to the provided Period type.


  1. julia> trunc(Dates.DateTime("1996-01-01T12:30:00"), Dates.Day)
  2. 1996-01-01T00:00:00


— Function

  1. firstdayofweek(dt::TimeType) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the Monday of its week.


  1. julia> Dates.firstdayofweek(DateTime("1996-01-05T12:30:00"))
  2. 1996-01-01T00:00:00


— Function

  1. lastdayofweek(dt::TimeType) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the Sunday of its week.


  1. julia> Dates.lastdayofweek(DateTime("1996-01-05T12:30:00"))
  2. 1996-01-07T00:00:00


— Function

  1. firstdayofmonth(dt::TimeType) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the first day of its month.


  1. julia> Dates.firstdayofmonth(DateTime("1996-05-20"))
  2. 1996-05-01T00:00:00


— Function

  1. lastdayofmonth(dt::TimeType) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the last day of its month.


  1. julia> Dates.lastdayofmonth(DateTime("1996-05-20"))
  2. 1996-05-31T00:00:00


— Function

  1. firstdayofyear(dt::TimeType) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the first day of its year.


  1. julia> Dates.firstdayofyear(DateTime("1996-05-20"))
  2. 1996-01-01T00:00:00


— Function

  1. lastdayofyear(dt::TimeType) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the last day of its year.


  1. julia> Dates.lastdayofyear(DateTime("1996-05-20"))
  2. 1996-12-31T00:00:00


— Function

  1. firstdayofquarter(dt::TimeType) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the first day of its quarter.


  1. julia> Dates.firstdayofquarter(DateTime("1996-05-20"))
  2. 1996-04-01T00:00:00
  3. julia> Dates.firstdayofquarter(DateTime("1996-08-20"))
  4. 1996-07-01T00:00:00


— Function

  1. lastdayofquarter(dt::TimeType) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the last day of its quarter.


  1. julia> Dates.lastdayofquarter(DateTime("1996-05-20"))
  2. 1996-06-30T00:00:00
  3. julia> Dates.lastdayofquarter(DateTime("1996-08-20"))
  4. 1996-09-30T00:00:00


— Method

  1. tonext(dt::TimeType, dow::Int; same::Bool=false) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the next day of week corresponding to dow with 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc. Setting same=true allows the current dt to be considered as the next dow, allowing for no adjustment to occur.


— Method

  1. toprev(dt::TimeType, dow::Int; same::Bool=false) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the previous day of week corresponding to dow with 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc. Setting same=true allows the current dt to be considered as the previous dow, allowing for no adjustment to occur.


— Function

  1. tofirst(dt::TimeType, dow::Int; of=Month) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the first dow of its month. Alternatively, of=Year will adjust to the first dow of the year.


— Function

  1. tolast(dt::TimeType, dow::Int; of=Month) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt to the last dow of its month. Alternatively, of=Year will adjust to the last dow of the year.


— Method

  1. tonext(func::Function, dt::TimeType; step=Day(1), limit=10000, same=false) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt by iterating at most limit iterations by step increments until func returns true. func must take a single TimeType argument and return a Bool. same allows dt to be considered in satisfying func.

Dates.toprev — Method

  1. toprev(func::Function, dt::TimeType; step=Day(-1), limit=10000, same=false) -> TimeType

Adjusts dt by iterating at most limit iterations by step increments until func returns true. func must take a single TimeType argument and return a . same allows dt to be considered in satisfying func.


— Method

  1. Year(v)
  2. Quarter(v)
  3. Month(v)
  4. Week(v)
  5. Day(v)
  6. Hour(v)
  7. Minute(v)
  8. Second(v)
  9. Millisecond(v)
  10. Microsecond(v)
  11. Nanosecond(v)

Construct a Period type with the given v value. Input must be losslessly convertible to an Int64.

Dates.CompoundPeriod — Method

  1. CompoundPeriod(periods) -> CompoundPeriod

Construct a CompoundPeriod from a Vector of Periods. All Periods of the same type will be added together.


  1. julia> Dates.CompoundPeriod(Dates.Hour(12), Dates.Hour(13))
  2. 25 hours
  3. julia> Dates.CompoundPeriod(Dates.Hour(-1), Dates.Minute(1))
  4. -1 hour, 1 minute
  5. julia> Dates.CompoundPeriod(Dates.Month(1), Dates.Week(-2))
  6. 1 month, -2 weeks
  7. julia> Dates.CompoundPeriod(Dates.Minute(50000))
  8. 50000 minutes

Dates.value — Function

  1. Dates.value(x::Period) -> Int64

For a given period, return the value associated with that period. For example, value(Millisecond(10)) returns 10 as an integer.

Dates.default — Function

  1. default(p::Period) -> Period

Returns a sensible “default” value for the input Period by returning T(1) for Year, Month, and Day, and T(0) for Hour, Minute, Second, and Millisecond.

Date and DateTime values can be rounded to a specified resolution (e.g., 1 month or 15 minutes) with floor, ceil, or round.

Base.floor — Method

  1. floor(dt::TimeType, p::Period) -> TimeType

Return the nearest Date or DateTime less than or equal to dt at resolution p.

For convenience, p may be a type instead of a value: floor(dt, Dates.Hour) is a shortcut for floor(dt, Dates.Hour(1)).

  1. julia> floor(Date(1985, 8, 16), Dates.Month)
  2. 1985-08-01
  3. julia> floor(DateTime(2013, 2, 13, 0, 31, 20), Dates.Minute(15))
  4. 2013-02-13T00:30:00
  5. julia> floor(DateTime(2016, 8, 6, 12, 0, 0), Dates.Day)
  6. 2016-08-06T00:00:00

Base.ceil — Method

  1. ceil(dt::TimeType, p::Period) -> TimeType

Return the nearest Date or DateTime greater than or equal to dt at resolution p.

For convenience, p may be a type instead of a value: ceil(dt, Dates.Hour) is a shortcut for ceil(dt, Dates.Hour(1)).

  1. julia> ceil(Date(1985, 8, 16), Dates.Month)
  2. 1985-09-01
  3. julia> ceil(DateTime(2013, 2, 13, 0, 31, 20), Dates.Minute(15))
  4. 2013-02-13T00:45:00
  5. julia> ceil(DateTime(2016, 8, 6, 12, 0, 0), Dates.Day)
  6. 2016-08-07T00:00:00

Base.round — Method

  1. round(dt::TimeType, p::Period, [r::RoundingMode]) -> TimeType

Return the Date or DateTime nearest to dt at resolution p. By default (RoundNearestTiesUp), ties (e.g., rounding 9:30 to the nearest hour) will be rounded up.

For convenience, p may be a type instead of a value: round(dt, Dates.Hour) is a shortcut for round(dt, Dates.Hour(1)).

  1. julia> round(Date(1985, 8, 16), Dates.Month)
  2. 1985-08-01
  3. julia> round(DateTime(2013, 2, 13, 0, 31, 20), Dates.Minute(15))
  4. 2013-02-13T00:30:00
  5. julia> round(DateTime(2016, 8, 6, 12, 0, 0), Dates.Day)
  6. 2016-08-07T00:00:00

Valid rounding modes for round(::TimeType, ::Period, ::RoundingMode) are RoundNearestTiesUp (default), RoundDown (floor), and RoundUp (ceil).

Most Period values can also be rounded to a specified resolution:

Base.floor — Method

  1. floor(x::Period, precision::T) where T <: Union{TimePeriod, Week, Day} -> T

Round x down to the nearest multiple of precision. If x and precision are different subtypes of Period, the return value will have the same type as precision.

For convenience, precision may be a type instead of a value: floor(x, Dates.Hour) is a shortcut for floor(x, Dates.Hour(1)).

  1. julia> floor(Dates.Day(16), Dates.Week)
  2. 2 weeks
  3. julia> floor(Dates.Minute(44), Dates.Minute(15))
  4. 30 minutes
  5. julia> floor(Dates.Hour(36), Dates.Day)
  6. 1 day

Rounding to a precision of Months or Years is not supported, as these Periods are of inconsistent length.

Base.ceil — Method

  1. ceil(x::Period, precision::T) where T <: Union{TimePeriod, Week, Day} -> T

Round x up to the nearest multiple of precision. If x and precision are different subtypes of Period, the return value will have the same type as precision.

For convenience, precision may be a type instead of a value: ceil(x, Dates.Hour) is a shortcut for ceil(x, Dates.Hour(1)).

  1. julia> ceil(Dates.Day(16), Dates.Week)
  2. 3 weeks
  3. julia> ceil(Dates.Minute(44), Dates.Minute(15))
  4. 45 minutes
  5. julia> ceil(Dates.Hour(36), Dates.Day)
  6. 2 days

Rounding to a precision of Months or Years is not supported, as these Periods are of inconsistent length.

Base.round — Method

  1. round(x::Period, precision::T, [r::RoundingMode]) where T <: Union{TimePeriod, Week, Day} -> T

Round x to the nearest multiple of precision. If x and precision are different subtypes of Period, the return value will have the same type as precision. By default (RoundNearestTiesUp), ties (e.g., rounding 90 minutes to the nearest hour) will be rounded up.

For convenience, precision may be a type instead of a value: round(x, Dates.Hour) is a shortcut for round(x, Dates.Hour(1)).

  1. julia> round(Dates.Day(16), Dates.Week)
  2. 2 weeks
  3. julia> round(Dates.Minute(44), Dates.Minute(15))
  4. 45 minutes
  5. julia> round(Dates.Hour(36), Dates.Day)
  6. 2 days

Valid rounding modes for round(::Period, ::T, ::RoundingMode) are RoundNearestTiesUp (default), RoundDown (floor), and RoundUp (ceil).

Rounding to a precision of Months or Years is not supported, as these Periods are of inconsistent length.

The following functions are not exported:

Dates.floorceil — Function

  1. floorceil(dt::TimeType, p::Period) -> (TimeType, TimeType)

Simultaneously return the floor and ceil of a Date or DateTime at resolution p. More efficient than calling both floor and ceil individually.

  1. floorceil(x::Period, precision::T) where T <: Union{TimePeriod, Week, Day} -> (T, T)

Simultaneously return the floor and ceil of Period at resolution p. More efficient than calling both floor and ceil individually.


— Function

  1. epochdays2date(days) -> Date

Take the number of days since the rounding epoch (0000-01-01T00:00:00) and return the corresponding Date.


— Function

  1. epochms2datetime(milliseconds) -> DateTime

Take the number of milliseconds since the rounding epoch (0000-01-01T00:00:00) and return the corresponding DateTime.


— Function

  1. date2epochdays(dt::Date) -> Int64

Take the given Date and return the number of days since the rounding epoch (0000-01-01T00:00:00) as an Int64.

Dates.datetime2epochms — Function

  1. datetime2epochms(dt::DateTime) -> Int64

Take the given DateTime and return the number of milliseconds since the rounding epoch (0000-01-01T00:00:00) as an .


— Function

  1. today() -> Date

Return the date portion of now().


— Function

  1. unix2datetime(x) -> DateTime

Take the number of seconds since unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00 and convert to the corresponding DateTime.


— Function

  1. datetime2unix(dt::DateTime) -> Float64

Take the given DateTime and return the number of seconds since the unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00 as a Float64.

Dates.julian2datetime — Function

  1. julian2datetime(julian_days) -> DateTime

Take the number of Julian calendar days since epoch -4713-11-24T12:00:00 and return the corresponding DateTime.

Dates.datetime2julian — Function

  1. datetime2julian(dt::DateTime) -> Float64

Take the given DateTime and return the number of Julian calendar days since the julian epoch -4713-11-24T12:00:00 as a .


— Function

  1. rata2datetime(days) -> DateTime

Take the number of Rata Die days since epoch 0000-12-31T00:00:00 and return the corresponding DateTime.


— Function

    Return the number of Rata Die days since epoch from the given Date or DateTime.



    Days of the Week:

    Months of the Year:

    • The notion of the UT second is actually quite fundamental. There are basically two different notions of time generally accepted, one based on the physical rotation of the earth (one full rotation = 1 day), the other based on the SI second (a fixed, constant value). These are radically different! Think about it, a “UT second”, as defined relative to the rotation of the earth, may have a different absolute length depending on the day! Anyway, the fact that Date and are based on UT seconds is a simplifying, yet honest assumption so that things like leap seconds and all their complexity can be avoided. This basis of time is formally called UT or UT1. Basing types on the UT second basically means that every minute has 60 seconds and every day has 24 hours and leads to more natural calculations when working with calendar dates.