Backend services¶
Default file storage on Divio Cloud projects is handled by dedicated storage and hosting providers.These are , or a generic S3 hostingservice via another provider. Currently, most projects use Amazon’s own S3 service, with theexception of projects in our Swiss region.
See also
Celery asynchronous task queue handling is available as a service, depending onenabled project features.
The number of Celery workers per Docker instance can be configured with the environment variable. The default is 2. This can beincreased, but in that case, you will need to monitor your own RAM consumptionvia the Control Panel.
Celery on Divio Cloud is handled by the Aldryn Celery addon.Please contact Divio Cloud support for custom queues, more instances or customqueues.
The containers running the Celery workers are built using the same image as theweb container.
If you make any local changes to a project’s configuration that need to beaccessible to the Celery workers, you should run torebuild them.
The Celery workers will need to be restarted after code changes, with:
If seems to be taking too long to stop, run: