How to migrate an existing project to Divio Cloud¶
Create a new project in the Divio Control Panel. You’ll need to makesure that the project options are appropriate, including the Python version and project type.
There are a number of available project types, including Django, Django-plus-django CMS and Django-plus-Wagtail, that are already set up with the relevant addon packages.
In general, if the software included in your project already exists on the Divio Cloud as anAddon, it’s recommended to use the packaged addon version. This will help ensure not only thatit is suitably configured for the Divio Cloud, but that it will also co-exist well with othercomponents.
Select the Boilerplate you want to use. Several are available, with different built-in frontendcomponents to work with. If you choose a complex Boilerplate and later decide that you don’t needits functionality, it’s easy to remove from a project. However, select the Blank Boilerplate ifyou are sure you’d rather to set up and manage your site’s frontend starting from scratch.
See for more on the subject.
Hit Create project.
Do not start a deployment yet - we’ll cover that later.
Check addon versions¶
For each of the key components in your project for which a Divio Cloud addon exists, check that itis set to the correct version in your project, via the project’s Manage addons. This couldinclude:
- Django
- django CMS (as well as key applications such as Django Filer, Aldryn News & Blog and so on)
- Wagtail
Note that the version you seek may exist in the Beta or Alpha release channels of the addon.
Set up the project locally¶
Once any addons have been appropriately configured, you’ll need to set the project up locally. (Seethe local setup section in the tutorial if this is new to you.)
Using the Divio CLI set up a local copy of the project:
Addons will install their dependencies, so there is no need to add those explicitly asrequirements. Compare the output of:
- docker-compose run --rm web pip list
with your existing project’s requirements, or the output of in its environment, to seewhat requirements will need to be added manually. The missing dependencies will need to be addedvia the
file. See for more on adding Pythonpackages to the project.
Your project may also have some other requirements; see How to add arbitrary system packages to a project.
Add application code¶
If your project contains custom applications that are part of the project itself (i.e. they live indirectories inside the project, and are not reusable applications or libraries installed via Pip),copy them into the project directory.
Your project’s templates similarly need to be copied to the new project’s templates
directory,and static files to static
Configure settings¶
The settings for your project and its applications need to be added to
Do not simply copy all your settings into the file. This will not work as expected.
Add them in the appropriate way, which will depend on whether they are orManually-configured settings.
It can be a tedious and error-prone process to get all the INSTALLED_APPS
correct, withouteither missing or duplicating any. It will help to get a complete list, sorted alphabetically, and to run a diff
on the list from each project.
Add the following to the end of the of both yoursource project and the new Divio project:
- for app in sorted(INSTALLED_APPS):
- print(app)
For the original project, run:
- python shell
and for the Divio project run:
- docker-compose run --rm web python shell
In each case, copy the list of applications into a file and save the file. Now run a diff
onthe two files:
In the output you will see lines starting with:
- > - an application present in the Divio project, but not in the original
- < - an application listed in the original, but not in the Divio project
In the first case, no action is required. In the second case, you may see entries such as:
and you will know that this application has not yet been added to your Divio project’sINSTALLED_APPS
(Once done, don’t forget to remove the lines you added.)
Importing content¶
Divio Cloud projects use Postgres databases. It’s beyond the scope of this document to coverall possible eventualities of database importing.
In the examples below <container_name>
will usually be something like<project_slug>_db_1
- but you can confirm this by running docker ps
- ➜ docker ps
- 71fe7e930f60 postgres:9.4 "docker-entrypoint..." About an hour ago Up About an hour 5432/tcp import_project_db_1
- [...]
The NAMES column will list the container name.
Drop the database of the newly-created project:
- docker exec <container_name> dropdb -U postgres db --if-exists
Create a new, empty database:
- docker exec <container_name> createdb -U postgres db
Add the hstore
Finally, assuming that you have already dumped your existing database to a local file, import it:
- docker exec -i <container_name> psql -U postgres --dbname db < /path/to/dump
Other database types¶
If you previously using a different database (most likely MySQL) there are various optionsavailable.
We recommend using a conversion script such as .
Alternatively, you can export the data to a JSON file (via Django’s command)and then load it back into the new database with loaddata
You may find these resources useful:
Once you have loaded your data, check that its migrations are in order, using thepython
. migrate
Media files¶
Media files should be copied to your project’s data/media
You’re now in a position to test the local site, which should be done thoroughly. Start it up with:
- divio project up
Upload your changes back to the Divio Cloud¶
Your project is a Git repository (certain files and directories are excluded), and should bepushed to the Divio Cloud’s Git server in the usual way (git add
/git commit
/git push
Media files are not included in the Git repository (static files are however) and must be pushed:
- divio project push media
And the database also needs to be pushed:
- divio project push db
The project can now be deployed on the Test server:
Upload your project to an independent version control repository¶
Optionally, you can maintain your project’s code in an independent version control repository.
You can add another Git remote or even aMercurial or other remote, and push it there.