Divio Cloud overview¶

    The Divio Cloud offers a local development environment that replicates almostperfectly the Cloud environments in which applications run, eliminating many ofthe pain-points of deployment caused by having to deal with differentenvironments in development and production.

    In our architecture, we abstract functionality from configuration so thatfunctional components can be made immutable and stateless wherever possible.This enables them to be replaced, added, moved and so on simply by spinning upnew instances, without requiring manual configuration.

    Our Cloud is built on a Python/Django stack. Our client sites run in Dockercontainers. More information about our infrastructure can be provided onrequest.

    Divio Cloud projects¶

    Each Divio Cloud project includes three environments, each of which will createa version of the website.

    The three environments are created in Docker containers from the same images.

    • Test, running on our Cloud servers
    • Live, running on our Cloud servers
      In our workflow, development is done locally, before being deployed to Test_and finally to _Live.
    Operating system
    Ubuntu Linux
    Web server/web application gateway
    Divio loadbalancer plus uWSGI (local sites use the Django runserver.)
    Postgres (Test and Live sites use an AWS database; Local sites use adatabase running in another local container.)

    Divio Cloud projects represent web projects. Each project requires a frontend,however minimal - at the very least, a basic template. In orderto make Divio Cloud projects immediately useful, they each come with frontendfiles included. These are defined by the site’s , a set of default templates and static file.

    Typically, a Boilerplate will define how the Django templates are structured andmake opinionated choices about what JavaScript frameworks and CSS tools areused.

    Various Boilerplates are provided as defaults, but it’s also possible to defineand reuse your own.

    Our simplest Boilerplates provide only basic HTML and CSS, but moresophisticated ones include advanced frontend tooling: NPM, webpack, Sass andother components.

    By default, each project’s code is in its develop branch. This is thenpushed our Git server, where it can be deployed to the Test or Live servers(our strongly -recommended workflow is always to deploy to Test first),

    In this workflow you would work on before manually merging intomaster, and then deploying Live.

    A number of optimisations have been built into our Cloud deployment process tomake deployments faster and more reliable.

    Python packaging¶

    We maintain our own Python Package Index, with which has pre-builtplatform-specific for all Python packages.

    Docker layer caching¶

    We don’t use Docker-level layer caching, as certain cases can produceunexpected results:

    • Unpinned installation commands might install cached versions of software,even where the user expects a newer version.
    • Commands such as apt-get upgrade in a Dockerfile could similarlyfail to pick up new changes.