Functions for dictionaries



    1. SELECT DictCreate(Tuple<Int32?,String>, OptionalType(DataType("String")));

    For dictionaries - 图2


    Construct an empty set. An argument is passed: the key type that can be built by . There are no sets with an unknown key type in YQL. As a key, you can set a primitive data type, except for Yson and Json that may be or a tuple of them of a length of at least two.

    Documentation for the type definition format.


    1. SELECT SetCreate(String);

    1. SELECT SetCreate(Tuple<Int32?,String>);

    For dictionaries - 图4


    The count of items in the dictionary.


    1. SELECT DictLength(AsDict(AsTuple(1, AsList("foo", "bar"))));


    Check that the dictionary contains at least one item.


    1. SELECT DictHasItems(AsDict(AsTuple(1, AsList("foo", "bar")))) FROM my_table;

    For dictionaries - 图6


    Get dictionary contents as a list of tuples including key-value pairs (List<Tuplekey_type,value_type>).



    1. SELECT DictKeys(AsDict(AsTuple(1, AsList("foo", "bar"))));
    2. -- [ 1 ]

    For dictionaries - 图8


    Get a list of dictionary values.


    1. SELECT DictPayloads(AsDict(AsTuple(1, AsList("foo", "bar"))));
    2. -- [ [ "foo", "bar" ] ]


    Get a dictionary element by its key.


    1. SELECT DictLookup(AsDict(
    2. AsTuple(1, AsList("foo", "bar")),
    3. AsTuple(2, AsList("bar", "baz"))
    4. ), 1);
    5. -- [ "foo", "bar" ]

    For dictionaries - 图10


    Checking if an element in the dictionary using its key. Returns true or false.


    1. SELECT DictContains(AsDict(
    2. AsTuple(1, AsList("foo", "bar")),
    3. AsTuple(2, AsList("bar", "baz"))
    4. ), 42);
    5. -- false


    Apply aggregation factory to the passed dictionary where each value is a list. The factory is applied separately inside each key.
    If the list is empty, the aggregation result is the same as for an empty table: 0 for the COUNT function and NULL for other functions.
    If the list under a certain key is empty in the passed dictionary, such a key is removed from the result.
    If the passed dictionary is optional and contains NULL, the result is also .


    1. Dictionary.
    2. .


    1. SELECT DictAggregate(AsDict(
    2. AsTuple(1, AsList("foo", "bar")),
    3. AsTuple(2, AsList("baz", "qwe"))),
    4. AggregationFactory("Max"));
    5. -- {1 : "foo", 2 : "qwe" }

    For dictionaries - 图12

    Check that the dictionary doesn’t intersect by keys with a list or another dictionary.

    So there are two options to make a call:

    • With the Dict<K,V1> and List<K> arguments.
    • With the Dict<K,V1> and Dict<K,V2> arguments.



    Construct intersection between two dictionaries based on keys.


    • Two dictionaries: Dict<K,V1> and Dict<K,V2>.


    1. SELECT SetIntersection(ToSet(AsList(1, 2, 3)), ToSet(AsList(3, 4))); -- { 3 }
    2. SELECT SetIntersection(
    3. AsDict(AsTuple(1, "foo"), AsTuple(3, "bar")),
    4. AsDict(AsTuple(1, "baz"), AsTuple(2, "qwe")),
    5. ($k, $a, $b) -> { RETURN AsTuple($a, $b) });
    6. -- { 1 : ("foo", "baz") }


    Checking that the keys of the specified dictionary include all the elements of the list or the keys of the second dictionary.

    So there are two options to make a call:

    • With the Dict<K,V1> and List<K> arguments.
    • With the Dict<K,V1> and Dict<K,V2> arguments.


    1. SELECT SetIncludes(ToSet(AsList(1, 2, 3)), AsList(3, 4)); -- false
    2. SELECT SetIncludes(ToSet(AsList(1, 2, 3)), ToSet(AsList(2, 3))); -- true

    For dictionaries - 图15


    Constructs a union of two dictionaries based on keys.


    • Two dictionaries: and Dict<K,V2>.
    • An optional function that combines the values from the source dictionaries to construct the values of the output dictionary. If such a function has the (K,V1?,V2?) -> U type, the result type is Dict<K,U>. If the function is not specified, the result type is Dict<K,Void>, and the values from the source dictionaries are ignored.


    1. SELECT SetUnion(ToSet(AsList(1, 2, 3)), ToSet(AsList(3, 4))); -- { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
    2. SELECT SetUnion(
    3. AsDict(AsTuple(1, "foo"), AsTuple(3, "bar")),
    4. AsDict(AsTuple(1, "baz"), AsTuple(2, "qwe")),
    5. ($k, $a, $b) -> { RETURN AsTuple($a, $b) });
    6. -- { 1 : ("foo", "baz"), 2 : (null, "qwe"), 3 : ("bar", null) }


    Construct a dictionary containing all the keys with their values in the first dictionary with no matching key in the second dictionary.


    1. SELECT SetDifference(ToSet(AsList(1, 2, 3)), ToSet(AsList(3, 4))); -- { 1, 2 }
    2. SELECT SetDifference(
    3. AsDict(AsTuple(1, "foo"), AsTuple(2, "bar")),
    4. ToSet(AsList(2, 3)));
    5. -- { 1 : "foo" }

    For dictionaries - 图17

    Construct a symmetric difference between two dictionaries based on keys.


    • Two dictionaries: Dict<K,V1> and Dict<K,V2>.
    • An optional function that combines the values from the source dictionaries to construct the values of the output dictionary. If such a function has the (K,V1?,V2?) -> U type, the result type is Dict<K,U>. If the function is not specified, the result type is Dict<K,Void>, and the values from the source dictionaries are ignored.


    1. SELECT SetSymmetricDifference(ToSet(AsList(1, 2, 3)), ToSet(AsList(3, 4))); -- { 1, 2, 4 }
    2. SELECT SetSymmetricDifference(
    3. AsDict(AsTuple(1, "foo"), AsTuple(3, "bar")),
    4. AsDict(AsTuple(1, "baz"), AsTuple(2, "qwe")),
    5. ($k, $a, $b) -> { RETURN AsTuple($a, $b) });