
    Returned value:

    • Normalized URL.
    • NULL, if the passed string argument can’t be parsed as a URL.



    • Url::NormalizeWithDefaultHttpScheme(String?) -> String?

    Normalizes similarly to Url::Normalize, but inserts the http:// schema in case there is no schema.

    Returned value:

    • Normalized URL.
    • Source URL, if the normalization has failed.


    1. SELECT Url::NormalizeWithDefaultHttpScheme("wWw.yDb.TECH"); -- "http://www.ydb.tech/"
    2. SELECT Url::NormalizeWithDefaultHttpScheme("http://ydb.tech#foo"); -- "http://ydb.tech/"

    Url - 图2

    Encode a UTF-8 string to the urlencoded format (Url::Encode) and back (Url::Decode).

    List of functions

    • Url::Encode(String?) -> String?
    • Url::Decode(String?) -> String?


    1. SELECT Url::Decode("http://ydb.tech/%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0");
    2. -- "http://ydb.tech/page"
    3. -- "http://ydb.tech/%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0"


    Parses the URL into parts.

    • Url::Parse(Parse{Flags:AutoMap}) -> Struct< Frag: String?, Host: String?, ParseError: String?, Pass: String?, Path: String?, Port: String?, Query: String?, Scheme: String?, User: String? >


    Url - 图4

    Get a component of the URL.

    List of functions

    • Url::GetHost(String?) -> String?

    • Url::GetHostPort(String?) -> String?

    • Url::GetSchemeHost(String?) -> String?

    • Url::GetSchemeHostPort(String?) -> String?

    • Url::GetPort(String?) -> String?

    • Url::GetTail(String?) -> String? — everything following the host: path + query + fragment

    • Url::GetPath(String?) -> String?

    • Url::GetCGIParam(String?, String) -> String? — The second parameter is the name of the intended CGI parameter.

    • Url::GetDomain(String?, Uint8) -> String? — The second parameter is the required domain level.

    • Url::GetTLD(String{Flags:AutoMap}) -> String

    • Url::IsKnownTLD(String{Flags:AutoMap}) -> Bool — Registered on http://www.iana.org/

    • Url::IsWellKnownTLD(String{Flags:AutoMap}) -> Bool — Belongs to a small whitelist of com, net, org, ru, and so on.

    • Url::GetDomainLevel(String{Flags:AutoMap}) -> Uint64

    • Url::GetSignificantDomain(String{Flags:AutoMap}, [List<String>?]) -> String
      Returns a second-level domain in most cases and a third-level domain for the hostnames like: ***.XXX.YY, where XXX is com, net, org, co, gov, or edu. You can redefine this list using an optional second argument

    • Url::GetOwner(String{Flags:AutoMap}) -> String
      Returns the domain that’s most likely owned by an individual or organization. Unlike Url::GetSignificantDomain, it uses a special whitelist. Besides the ***.co.uk domains, it can return a third-level domain used by free hosting sites and blogs (for example: something.livejournal.com)s

    1. SELECT Url::GetScheme("https://ydb.tech"); -- "https://"
    2. SELECT Url::GetDomain("http://www.ydb.tech", 2); -- "ydb.tech"


    • Url::CutScheme(String?) -> String?
      Returns the passed URL without the schema (http://, https://, etc.).

    • Url::CutWWW(String?) -> String?
      Returns the passed domain without the “www.” prefix (if any).

    • Url::CutWWW2(String?) -> String?
      Returns the passed domain without the prefixes like “ www.”, “ www2.”, “ wwww777.” (if any).

    • Url::CutQueryStringA­ndFragment(String{Flags:AutoMap}) -> String
      Returns a copy of the passed URL, stripping out all the CGI parameters and fragments (“?foo=bar” and/or “#baz”).


    1. SELECT Url::CutScheme("http://www.ydb.tech"); -- "www.ydb.tech"
    2. SELECT Url::CutWWW("www.ydb.tech"); -- "yydb.tech"

    Url - 图6

    Punycode transformations.

    List of functions

    • Url::HostNameToPunycode(String{Flag:AutoMap}) -> String?
    • Url::PunycodeToHostName(String{Flag:AutoMap}) -> String?
    • Url::ForcePunycodeToHostName(String{Flag:AutoMap}) -> String
    • Url::CanBePunycodeHostName(String{Flag:AutoMap}) -> Bool



    Query transformations.

    List of functions

    1. Url::QueryStringToList(String{Flag:AutoMap}, [
    2. KeepBlankValues:Bool?, -- Empty values in percent-encoded queries are interpreted as empty strings, defaults to false.
    3. MaxFields:Uint32?, -- The maximum number of fields. If exceeded, an exception is thrown. Defaults to Max<Uint32>.
    4. Separator:String? -- A key-value pair separator, defaults to '&'.
    5. ]) -> List<Tuple<String, String>>
    6. Url::QueryStringToDict(String{Flag:AutoMap}, [
    7. KeepBlankValues:Bool?, -- Empty values in percent-encoded queries are interpreted as empty strings, defaults to false.
    8. Strict:Bool?, -- If false, parsing errors are ignored and incorrect fields are skipped, defaults to true.
    9. MaxFields:Uint32?, -- The maximum number of fields. If exceeded, an exception is thrown. Defaults to Max<Uint32>.
    10. Separator:String? -- A key-value pair separator, defaults to '&'.
    11. ]) -> Dict<String, List<String>>
    12. Url::BuildQueryString(Dict<String, List<String?>>{Flag:AutoMap}, [
    13. Separator:String? -- A key-value pair separator, defaults to '&'.
    14. ]) -> String
    15. Url::BuildQueryString(Dict<String, String?>{Flag:AutoMap}, [
    16. Separator:String? -- A key-value pair separator, defaults to '&'.
    17. ]) -> String
    18. Url::BuildQueryString(List<Tuple<String, String?>>{Flag:AutoMap}, [
    19. Separator:String? -- A key-value pair separator, defaults to '&'.
    20. ]) -> String

    Url - 图8


    1. SELECT Url::QueryStringToList("a=1&b=2&a=3"); -- [("a", "1"), ("b", "2"), ("a", "3")]
    2. SELECT Url::QueryStringToDict("a=1&b=2&a=3"); -- {"b" : ["2"], "a" : ["1", "3"]}
    3. SELECT Url::BuildQueryString([("a", "1"), ("a", "3"), ("b", "2")]); -- "a=1&a=3&b=2"
    4. SELECT Url::BuildQueryString({"a" : "1", "b" : "2"}); -- "b=2&a=1"