
    • Go 1.12 or above
    • npm

    Download Go from the Go Downloads Page. We recommend downloading the MSI package.

    Ensure that you follow the official . You will also need to ensure that your environment variable also includes the path to your c:\Go\bin directory. Also ensure Go modules are enabled - You may do so through the “Environment Variables” button on the “Advanced” tab of the “System” control panel. Some versions of Windows provide this control panel through the “Advanced System Settings” option inside the “System” control panel.

    • Check Go is installed corectly:
    • If using Go 1.12 instead of 1.13, check “GO111MODULE” environment variable is set to “on”: .

    It is STRONGLY recommended that if you use a terminal on Windows, that you use the git bash terminal and not the VSC terminal. This is because it handles signals correctly. We have found the VSC terminal to be quite buggy.

    Download NPM from the Node Downloads Page. It is best to use the latest release as that is what we generally test against.

    Windows requires gcc and related tooling. The recommended download is from .

    Now you are ready to move on to the next step of installing Wails.