In this tutorial we go through the default Vue template to gain an understanding of how Wails works. It is a simple introduction to some of the core concepts of the framework.
Building on the default template, we create a Quotes Generator. This introduces the concepts of binding a struct to your application as well as interacting with the Wails runtime in Go.
What’s a framework without a Todo app? We revisit the classic app, basing it on the Todo MVC version.
This is a comprehensive and advanced tutorial that only requires a basic knowledge of Javascript and Go. It covers all aspects of Wails and is recommended for people of all skill levels.
In Package Main Episode 16, builds a CPU Usage app with Wails. He covers struct binding, the events system and how to use 3rd party Javascript packages in your app. It’s a really great tutorial!
The tutorial is also available in text format at Package Main’s episode 16 github repo or as a .
This tutorial uses an older version of the Runtime which has had some slight changes since v0.18.0. Please read the Reference Guide for more information.