Global Computed

    This is the value of the site you see now:


    This is the $page value of the page you see now:

    1. {
    2. "frontmatter": {},
    3. "regularPath": "/guide/global-computed.html",
    4. "key": "v-d4cbeb69eff3d",
    5. "path": "/guide/global-computed.html",
    6. "headers": [
    7. "level": 2,
    8. "title": "$site",
    9. "slug": "site"
    10. {
    11. "level": 2,
    12. "title": "$page",
    13. "slug": "$page"
    14. ...
    15. ]
    16. }


    The language of the current page, the default value is en-US.

    Also see:

    Also see:


    Value of the <title> label used for the current page.


    That is 。