
    If you use the default theme, you don't need to install this plugin, because the plugin is already included in the of VuePress, and you should use the themeConfig.lastUpdated option directly.


    • Type: (timestamp: number, lang: string) => string
    • Default: undefined

    By default, this plugin produces a 13-bit timestamp for each page, you can also pass in a transformer to convert it to any format that you want.

    1. const moment = require('moment');
    2. module.exports = {
    3. plugins: [
    4. [
    5. {
    6. transformer: (timestamp, lang) => {
    7. const moment = require('moment')
    8. moment.locale(lang)
    9. return moment(timestamp).fromNow()
    10. }
    11. ]
    12. }


    Note that in VuePress, we follow this spec: W3C > Language tags in HTML and XML, so en-US uses hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_). Please make sure that the library you are using follows this spec, otherwise please convert it yourself.