• File size (bytes by default, case-insensitive): KB, MB, GB, TB, PB
  • Time (ms by default): ms, s, m, h
  • The address that the TiKV server monitors
  • Default: “”


  • The server advertise address for client traffic from outside
  • Default: ${addr}
  • If the client cannot connect to TiKV through the --addr address because of Docker or NAT network, you must manually set the --advertise-addr address.
  • For example, the internal IP address of Docker is “”, while the IP address of the host is “” and the port mapping is set to “-p 20160:20160”. In this case, you can set --advertise-addr to “”. The client can find this service through “”.


  • The port through which the TiKV service status is listened
  • Default: “20180”
  • The Prometheus can access this status information via “.
  • The Profile can access this status information via “http://host:status\_port/debug/pprof/profile”.
  • The address through which TiKV accesses service status from outside.
  • Default: The value of is used.
  • If the client cannot connect to TiKV through the --status-addr address because of Docker or NAT network, you must manually set the --advertise-status-addr address.
  • For example, the internal IP address of Docker is “”, while the IP address of the host is “” and the port mapping is set to “-p 20180:20180”. In this case, you can set --advertise-status-addr="". The client can find this service through “”.

-C, --config

  • The config file
  • If you set the configuration using the command line, the same setting in the config file is overwritten.


  • The store capacity
  • Default: 0 (unlimited)
  • PD uses this parameter to determine how to balance TiKV servers. (Tip: you can use 10GB instead of 1073741824)
  • The path to the data directory
  • Default: “/tmp/tikv/store”


  • The log level
  • Default: “info”
  • You can choose from trace, debug, info, warn, error, or off.


  • The log file
  • Default: “”
  • If this parameter is not set, logs are written to stderr. Otherwise, logs are stored in the log file which will be automatically rotated every day.
  • The address list of PD servers
  • To make TiKV work, you must use the value of --pd to connect the TiKV server to the PD server. Separate multiple PD addresses using comma, for example “,,”.