CockroachDB Cluster CRD

    Cluster Settings

    • secure: true to create a secure cluster installation using certificates and encryption. false to create an insecure installation (strongly discouraged for production usage). Currently, only insecure is supported.
    • cachePercent: The total size used for caches, expressed as a percentage of total physical memory.
    • : The maximum memory capacity available to store temporary data for SQL clients, expressed as a percentage of total physical memory.
    • annotations: Key value pair list of annotations to add.
    • : A list of PersistentVolumeClaim templates which must contain only one or no PersistentVolumeClaim. If no PersistentVolumeClaim is given an emptyDir will be given, meaning the instance data will be lost when a Pod is restarted. For an example of how PersistentVolumeClaim template should look, please look at the above .
    • ports: The port numbers to expose the CockroachDB services on, as shown in the sample above. The supported port names are:
      • : The port to bind to for HTTP requests such as the UI as well as health and debug endpoints.
      • grpc: The main port, served by gRPC, serves Postgres-flavor SQL, internode traffic and the command line interface.