YugabyteDB Cluster CRD

    The configuration options provided by the custom resource are explained here.

    Configuration options

    Master & TServer are two essential components of a YugabyteDB cluster. Master is responsible for recording and maintaining system metadata & for admin activities. TServers are mainly responsible for data I/O. Specify Master/TServer specific attributes under master/tserver. The valid attributes are replicas, network & volumeClaimTemplate.

    Specify resource requests and limits for CPU & Memory. If provided, the given resource values will be used. If omitted the default CPU request & limit will be 2, whereas default memory request & limit will be 2Gi & 4Gi for Master & TServer, respectively. You may override these values for dev environments where the cluster doesn’t have CPU/Memory as per the defaults. Though it is recommended to use the defaults for production-like deployments.

    field accepts NetworkSpec to be specified which describes YugabyteDB network settings. This is an optional field. Default network settings will be used, if any or all of the acceptable values are absent.

    The acceptable port names & their default values are as follows:

    Specify a PersistentVolumeClaim template under the volumeClaimTemplate field for master & each. This is a required field.