Note the CLI command uses default options for repairing your DB and only adds the column families found in the SST files. If you need to specify any options, e.g., custom comparator, have column family-specific options, or want to specify the exact set of column families, you should choose the programmatic way.

For programmatic usage, call one of the functions declared in include/rocksdb/db.h.


For CLI usage, first build , our admin CLI tool:

Looks successful. MANIFEST file is back and DB is readable:

Notice the directory. It holds files containing data that was potentially lost during recovery.

Repair process is broken into 4 phase:

  • Find files
  • Convert logs to tables
  • Extract metadata
  • Write Descriptor

Find files

Convert logs to table

Every log file that is active is replayed. All sections of the file where the checksum does not match is skipped over. We intentionally give preference to data consistency.

Extract metadata

We scan every table to compute

  • smallest/largest for the table
  • largest sequence number in the tableIf we are unable to scan the file, then we ignore the table.

Write Descriptor

We generate descriptor contents:

  • log number is set to zero
  • last-sequence-number is set to largest sequence# found across all tables
  • compaction pointers are cleared
  • every table file is added at level 0

Possible optimization

  • Compute total size and use to pick appropriate max-level M
  • Sort tables by largest sequence# in the table
  • For each table: if it overlaps earlier table, place in level-0, else place in level-M.
  • We can provide options for time consistent recovery and unsafe recovery (ignore checksum failure when applicable)
  • Store per-table metadata (smallest, largest, largest-seq#, …) in the table's meta section to speed up ScanTable.